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1981 Sacrifice in Bulsa Traditional Religion, Dep. of Religious Studies, University of Cape Coast. (B.A. examination paper; unpublished typescript, 104 pages)
1983 Buli Yam Saka Wamagisima. Proverbs of the Bulsa, Institute of African Studies, Legon.
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Akankyalabey, Pauline F.
1984 A History of the Builsa People, Department of History, University of Ghana, Legon (B.A. examination paper, 76 pages; data from publications and personal interviews).
Akanlig-Pare, George
1988 Towards a Phonological Study of Tone in the Wiani Dialect of Buli, Department of Linguistics, University of Ghana, Legon (B.A. examination paper, 59 pages; holds that Buli has only two different tonal heights).
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Awen, Agnes and Ulrike Blanc
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Awen, Gosper und Ulrike Blanc
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Ayaric, Ghanatta
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