[Most of the articles published in BULUK are not included in the bibliography]

Abayorik Akanbangm, David

2001    Religious Pluralism. A Quest for Local Ecumenism in the Builsa District. A dissertation presented in partial fulfilment of a certificate in Theology. St. Victor’s Major Seminary Tamale.

Abbey, E.T.A., Okunor, Vincent and E.A. Mensah (eds.)

1992       Buli Primer, National Functional Literacy Campaign for Social Change; Non-Formal Education Division (Ministry of Education) Ghana, Accra.  [A4, 108 pp.]

Aduedem, Joseph
2018       The Builsa Ghost. A Real Creature or a Mythical Creature? A dissertation submitted to the department of philosophy in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of a certificate in philosophy. Moderator: Rev. Fr. Dr. Matthias Mornah. St. Victor’s Major Seminary (St. Augustine Millenium Major Seminary). Tamale.

2019     The Story of Ayamkpiem-Naab (5 pp. unpublished)

2019     Why the Cock Crows before the Sun Rises (2 pp., unpublished)

2020     The art of Shepherding. The Origins of Conflict with Farmers in the Cultural Context of the Bulsa. Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No. 13. (The printed edition of Buluk 13 is in preparation)

Afrilove (ed.)

n.d.         Yeezu ale gyo Jerusalem la. (8 pp.) Windhoek, Namibia (ku kan da).

Agaasa, Lucy and Hager Ampa-Korsah

2016 Feok Festival Costumes: Evolution & Socio-Cultural Importance, Journal of Culture, Society and Development, vol. 24: 61-65.

Agalic, James

1978       Story-Telling among the Bulsa of Northern Ghana, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 103, 2, 261-278.

1981       Sacrifice in Bulsa Traditional Religion, Dep. of Religious Studies, University of Cape Coast  [B.A. examination paper; unpublished typescript, 104 pages]

1983a      Buli Yam Saka Wamagisima. Proverbs of the Bulsa, Institute of African Studies, Legon.

1983b      Buli Sunsuelima (Yam Saka Sunsuelima), Institute of African Studies, Legon [twelve Bulsa stories written in Buli).

1988       Bulsa Traditional Religion and Moral Values as Portrayed in Stories. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of philosophy in African studies, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon. [M.A. examination paper, 197 pages, unpublished typescript, data from publications and personal interviews]

Agandin, John B.,

2015         The Adventures of Asuom. “Folktales from Northern Ghana”. Accra: Afram Publications (Ghana) Limited [10 Bulsa folktales in English].

2017        The Bulsa Heritage and Cultural Society (BHCS) and the Plan for a Bulsa Cultural Museum. Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No. 10: 75-79.

2019      Report on the BHCS Exhibition of Bulsa Material Objects at Feok 2018. BULUK – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No. 12: 35-41.

Agbedor, Paul

2003        Reflexivation in Buli: a Preliminary Observation. In: Mary Esther Kropp Dakubu and Emmanuel Kweku Osam (eds): Studies in the Languages of the Volta Basin 1. Proceedings of the Annual Colloquium of the Legon-Trondheim Linguistics Project, 4-6 December 2002, pp. 147-152. Legon, Department of Linguistics, University of Ghana.

Agyenta, Alfred

n.d. (1987?) Bulsa Ancestor Cult in the Light of the Gospel, Wiaga. [examination-paper]

Ajala Anankabil

1992       Vom Gebläse zum Amboß. Wie ich Schmiedemeister wurde, (translated and revised by F. Kröger und Danlardy Amoak Leander), in: Zwei Eisen im Feuer. Schmieden im Kulturvergleich, ed. E. Tietmeyer, Münster, pp. 33-37.  [Biography of a Bulsa blacksmith told by Ajala from Wiaga-Chiok]

Akanko, Peter Paul A.

1988        Oral traditions of Builsa. Origin and early History of the Atuga Clan in the Builsa State (1700-1900), Rosengarden, Denmark.

Akankyalabey, Pauline F.

1984       A History of the Builsa People, Department of History, University of Ghana, Legon.  [B.A. examination paper, 76 pages; data from publications and personal interviews]

2005       Geschichte der Bulsa. In: Miriam Grabenheinrich and Sabine Klocke-Daffa (eds.): 15 Frauen und 8 Ahnen. Leben und Glauben der Bulsa in Nordghana. pp. 29-37, Münster.

Akankyalabey, Melanie et al.(ed.)

2003       The Diamond Jubilee of Wiaga Mission. Wiaga (unpublished typescript).

Akanlig-Pare, George

1988       Towards a Phonological Study of Tone in the Wiani Dialect of Buli, Department of Linguistics, University of Ghana, Legon. [B.A. examination paper, 59 pages; holds that Buli has only two different tonal heights)

1994       Aspects of Buli Phonology. Legon: University of Ghana [typescript].

1995     Bumbobroma dek ale ngmarisi weengade. Bumbobroba karung gbang ning nyono 1. National Functional Literacy Programme. Non-Formal Education Division. Ministry of Education, Ghana.

1996a     Tiisa Vukka. written by Kwabena Amponsah, translated by George Akanlig-Pare, Adwinsa Publications Ltd.

1996b    Tueta Longika. Sinsaga- Mobika Wee. written by Kwabena Amponsah, translated by George Akanlig-Pare, Adwinsa Publications Ltd.

1996c     Biisim Ngoosika Nyuenta (Breast feeding), written by Kwabena Amponsah, translated by George Akanlig-Pare, Adwinsa Publications Ltd.

1996d     “Aids” tuemu: fi le fi nye dii ate bu kan paari fu. Adwinsa Publications Ltd.

1997       Tonal Structure of Buli Phonological Nouns, Gur Papers, No. 2, 63-67.

1999       Nominal Derivation in Buli. Gur Papers / Cahiers voltaïques No. 4, 99-109.

2000       Palatalisation in Buli. Research Review New Series, Suppl. 14, 131-138.

2002       Vowel Harmony in Buli. In: Felix K. Ameka and Emmanuel Kweku Osam: New Directions in Ghanaian Linguistics pp. 265-278, Legon, Department of Linguistics, University of Ghana.

2005 Buli Tonology: a non-linear analysis (PhD Dissertation, University of Ghana)2005 Tonal Structure of Buli Verbs.

2010 Tone in Buli. Studies in African Linguistics.

2013 A Morphophonology of number marking in Buli.

2014 The Determinants of the Determiner in Buli

Akanlig-Pare, George and P.W. Amoak

1996       Buli Primer. National Functional Literacy Programme. Non-Formal Education Division. Ministry of Education, Ghana.

1997       Tonal Structure of Buli Phonological Nouns, Gur Papers, No. 2, 63-67

2001       Buli Gbang. Ning Nyono Gbang (1). National Functional Literacy Programme. Non-Formal Education Division. Ministry of Education, Ghana.

Akanlig-Pare, George and Michael Kenstowicz (eds)
2003 Tone in Buli. Studies in African Linguistics; Vol 31, No 1 & 2
(The paper analyzes the principal tonal contrasts and alternations in Buli from both synchronic and diachronic, comparative perspectives. The role of tone in the inflectional morphology as well as the phonetic implementation of tonal contrasts is also discussed)
PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/47685872_Tone_in_Buli

2005     Studies in Buli Grammar. MIT working Papers on Endangered and Less Familiar Languages, vol. 4, Cambridge.

2020 Palatalization in Central Buli. In: Legon Journal of the Humanities. Vol. 31,2, pp. 66-94.

Akapata, Isaac (Fr.)

2009 Biuk – A Village with Bulsa Traditions. Buluk. Journal of Bulsa Culture and Society. No 5, p. 34-41.

Alediin, Margaret  (see also GILLBT)

2001       Gaana Tengka Wadaa Gbang. The 1992 Constitution of Ghana Abridged. (Buli). (38 pp.) Published and printed by GILLBT, Tamale.

2003      Tarakooma Tuem Yiak ka. Get Rid of Trachoma. GILLBT Tamale.

Alediin, Margaret and Peter Wangara (transl.)

1999        Ngmeka Gbang Buye Nyonowa. GILLBT Tamale.


Alediin, Margaret and Apusik Anoinmoin

2000       Tiisa zuk nyaamisim. Taking care of trees (Buli) . (25 pp.) Published and printed by GILLBT, Tamale.

Alhassan, Ahmed Bako

1991       Babatu in Dagbon. (unpublished typescript, 20 pp.)

Amherst, H.W.

1947       Diary (manuscript).  [p.3, April 16th, 1947: short note on Sandema and Wiaga].

Amidu, Assibi A.

2001        Language and Development Research in Africa: Based on Kiswahili, Buli and Akan Traditions. The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, pp. 45-71.

Amoak, Leander

1982?    Buli Gbangsa Sita, Ghana Education Service, Sandema. [manuscript of a textbook for schools]

Agandin, John B.,

2015     The Adventures of Asuom. “Folktales from Northern Ghana”. Accra: Afram Publications (Ghana) Limited. [10 Bulsa folktales in English, reviewed in BULUK 9 by F. Kröger]

2016 Two Poems (The Matrimonial Dance and Feok). Buluk 9


n.d.        Ba biak ti varibasidoa. Liberty Press Ltd., Accra [Christmas Gospel, Luke, chapter 2]


1973     Builsa Traditional Marriage. Builsa Herald, no 2, Catholic Mission Printing Press, 3-4.

1974      Marriage in Builsa. Builsa Herald, no 3, Catholic Mission Printing Press, Wiaga, 8-10


* s.d. Buli Naawen Gbaŋka zamsika No. 1, Pool Gbaŋka Ate Wa ŋmarisi A te Filipai Demma La Cop. United Bible Society

* s.d. Buli Naawen Gbaŋka Zamsika No. 2, Pool Gbaŋka A le Wa ŋmarisi Ate Kolose Demma La Cop. United Bible Society.

Anquandah, James

1998       Koma – Bulsa. Its Art and Archaeology. Rome: Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’oriente.

Apaak, Clement Abas

1996     Bulsa Architecture and its Relevance to Archaeology. A dissertation presented to the Department of Archaeology, University of Ghana, Legon, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of a B.A. (Social Science) Honours Degree (Archaeology).

Apentiik, Rowland

1977       Bulsa Technologies and Systems of Thought. Calgary (MA-thesis). 321 pp. (unpublished typescript)

2002      An Ethnological Study of Bulsa Land Use, Upper East Region of Ghana: Implications for Sustainable Development. A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The University of Calgary, Calgary (Alberta, Canada).

 Arhin, Kwame (?)

1973       Sandema – a study of traditional and modern economy, political history, organisation and incipient urbanization. Current Africanist Research. International Bulletin 3, 5409.

Armitage, C.H.

1924      The Tribal Markings and Marks of Adornment of the Natives of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast, London, Royal Anthrop. Institute.  [pp. 7, 11, 22-23 short notes on the “Kanjarga”]

Arnheim, Margaret Bawa Lariba

1979       Daam dika – The Brewing of Millet Beer. [unpublished Manuscript]

Asekabta, Robert (ed.)

1973ff.    Builsa Herald, Catholic Mission Printing Press, Wiaga.

Asekabta, Robert
1973      Atuga, the Founder of Builsa. Play in three acts (10 pages).
2017      Enskinment of the Chuchuliganab in Sandema. Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No. 10: 28-29.

Asekabta, Robert, Margaret Akanbang and Yaw Akumasi   

List and Photos of Schools in the Bulsa South District. Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No. 10: 62-63.

Asianab Afoko, Francis

1970       The Ayietas. [67 pages typescript; history of the Sandema Chief’s family; one copy in possession of R. Schott]

Atayaaba, Gerald

1993       Dokdem Baai Ale Kan Ka Kyoa La. National Functional Literacy Programme. Non-Formal Education Division. Ministry of Education, Ghana.

Atemboa, George

1998       The impact of slave trade on the Builsa. In: Allison Howell (ed.): The Slave Trade and Reconciliation: A Northern Ghanaian Perspective. Navrongo and Accra: Bible Church of Africa, SIM Ghana.

Atuick, Evans Akangyelewon
2013      Are Final Funeral Rites in Buluk Really Expensive? Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No. 7: 36-42.

2015      Tradition and Change in the Bulsa Marraiga Process: A Qualitative Study. Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No. 8: 92-103.

2018      Who are the Bulsa? (unpublished typescript)2019 Management of Perceived Malaria Infections in Children among Bulsa Mothers. Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No. 12: 112-114.

Atuick, Evans Akangyelewon
2020      Women, Agency, and Power Relations in Funeral Relations: A Study of the Cheri-Deka Ritual Among the Bulsa of Northern Ghana. M.A. Department of Anthropology, University of Wyoming.

Atuire, Martin Anbegwon
2020 Bleeding Palimpsests: Heritage Tourism and the Commodification of Indigenous Memory in Northern Ghana. PhD dissertation, University of Colorado Boulder.

Atuire, Caesar Alimsinya
2019? Philosophical Underpinnings of an African Legal System: Bulsa.

2019 (in preparation) Developing an African Normative Framework of Healthcare: The Case of Ghana (Chapter IV: Ethics in the Akan and Bulsa cultures).

Awedoba, Albert K.

1985             Bilingualism and Language Shift in Navrongo. Research Review (Legon) vol. 1,2, p. 203-224.

2009              An Ethnographic Study of Northern Ghanaian Conflicts: Towards a Sustainable Peace. Key aspects of past, present and impending conflicts in Northern Ghana and the mechanisms for their address.  Legon (Accra): Sub-Saharan Publishers.

[pp. 113-118: The Chuchuliga Chieftaincy Affair; pp. 118-121: Sandema Chieftaincy Affair]

Awen, Agnes and Ulrike Blanc

1997       Asibis Geschichte – Leben in einem kleinen Dorf im Norden Ghanas. In: U.Bertels, S. Eylert and C. Lütkes (ed.): Mutterbruder und Kreuzcousine. Einblicke in das Familienleben fremder Kulturen. Münster, New York, München, Berlin, pp. 85-109.

Awen, Gosper und Ulrike Blanc

1997       Ansichten über Familie in Ghana und Deutschland. In: U.Bertels, S. Eylert und C. Lütkes (Hg.): Mutterbruder und Kreuzcousine. Einblicke in das Famlilienleben fremder Kulturen. Münster, New York, München, Berlin, pp.128-135.

Ayaric, Ghanatta

1992       Oral Literature in Africa: A Study of the Types, Characteristics and Functions of the Oral Literature of the Bulsa of Northern Ghana, University of Bremen. [unpublished examination paper, 140 pages]

2005       Der Weg zum Studienrat. Ein Bulsa in Deutschland. In: Miriam Grabenheinrich and Sabine Klocke-Daffa (eds.): 15 Frauen und 8 Ahnen. Leben und Glauben der Bulsa in Nordghana. pp. 95-105, Münster.

Azantinlow Ayieta, Sir (late Paramount Chief)

1988      Bulsa Tengka Korumu / The History of the Bulsa Country. Recorded and Translated by Rüdiger Schott, Münster.

Azantinlow, John

n.d.         Collection of stories and other material in Buli. [approx. 400 pages, unpublished; photocopies with R. Schott]

Barker, Peter

1983       Peoples, Languages and Religion in Northern Ghana – a Preliminary Report. Ghana Evangelism Committee in association with Asempa Publishers.

Bendor-Samuel, John. T.

1965       The Grusi Sub-Group of the Gur Languages, Journal of West African Languages, 2, 47-55.

Bening, R. Bagulo

1971       The Development of Education in Northern Ghana 1908-57, Ghana Social Science Journal, 1,2 1-42.

1990       A History of Education in Northern Ghana 1907-1976. Ghana Universities Press Accra.

Berinyuu, Abraham A.

1997       History of the Presbyterian Church in Northern Ghana. Accra: Asempa Publishers, Christian Council of Ghana, (pp. 108-154: Sandema District, by Rev. Colin F. Paton, Rev. Robert & Mrs Louise Duncan and Alan Byers).

Beyer, Klaus

1998       Pferde, Schwerter und Macht. Eine historisch-vergleichende Studie zu Kulturwortfeldern in den Oti-Volta-Sprachen. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.

Binger, L.G.

1892       Du Niger au Golfe de Guinée, 2 vols., Paris.  [vol. II, p. 36: facial scarifications of the “Tiansi ou Boulsi”]

Blair, Harold Arthur

[1932]    Language Groups; manuscript in the Rhodes-House Library, Oxford. [p.1-4 classification of Northern Ghanaian languages; “Builsa” grouped among the early Gur invaders].

[1936-37] A Trek in the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast; manuscript in the Rhodes- House Library, Oxford.  [23 pages; Blair’s visit to Sandema on January 8th, 1937, notes on the “Zaberimi” raids and on Bulsa archery].

Blanc, Ulrike

1993       Lieder in Erzählungen der Bulsa, Nord-Ghana. Eine musikethnologische Untersuchung. Münster and Hamburg: Lit-Verlag.

2000       Musik und Tod bei den Bulsa (Nordghana). Münster, Hamburg, London: Lit-Verlag.

2005       “Music makes the world go round”. In: Miriam Grabenheinrich and Sabine Klocke-Daffa (eds.): 15 Frauen und 8 Ahnen. Leben und Glauben der Bulsa in Nordghana. pp. 61-67, Münster.

Blank, Doris

1981       Die Bedeutung traditioneller Organisationsformen im ländlichen Afrika – untersucht am Beispiel der Bulsa in Nord-Ghana.Wissenschaftliche Hausarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Magister Artium der Universität Hamburg, Hamburg. [M.A. examination paper]

The British and Foreign Bible Society

1962       Labaari nalinsa ŋa a soa se Marko ale ŋmarisi dii la, London. [Gospel of St. Mark]

Brüggemann, Anne

1986       Amagdala und Akawuruk. Das Zwillingsmotiv in westafrikanischen Erzählungen der Bulsa, Mossi und Bambara, Kulturanthropologische Studien, eds. R. Schott and G. Wiegelmann, vol. 13, Hohenschäftlarn. [twins in Bulsa, Mossi and Bambara stories]

Builsa District: District Human Development Report 2004:

see: Jebuni, Charles D.

Bukari, Kaderi Noagah

A concomitant of Conflict and Consensus: Case of a Chieftaincy Succession in Ghana. Peace and Conflict Studies, vol 23, no 1, article 5: 1-26  [the Bulsa chieftaincy election system: a model for other Ghanaian states?]

Byers, Alan, see Berinyuu 1997

Cardinall, A.W.

1920       The Natives of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast. Their Customs, Religion and Folklore, London. [many scattered notes on the ethnography of the Bulsa; p. 116: a short word list of animal names in Buli].

1923       Notes on Fire and Fire-making, Man 23,85, 139-40. [Bulsa oil-lamps; a sacred fire in Gbedema].

1927       In Ashanti and Beyond, London. [several scattered notes on the ethnography and the country of the Bulsa].

1932       The Gold Coast, Census Office, Accra.

Champagné, P. Emery

1944      Traits de la vie paienne dans la Préfecture Apostolique de Navrongo (N.T. of Gold Coast Colony], Annali Lateranensi, 8, 147-154. [chapters on “Consécration des enfants aux manes des ancêtres” and “Un enterrement”]

Clarke, John

1848       Specimens of Dialects. Short Vocabularies of Languages and Notes of Countries and Customs of Africa, Berwick-upon-Tweed. [first written source about Buli words?].

Cole, H.M. and D.H. Ross

1977       The Arts of Ghana, Los Angeles.

Dancy, Paul, see G.I.L.L.B.T.

Dancy, Paul

n.d.         [The Bulsa Calendar] [9 pp.]

Davies, Oliver

1970       Ghana Field Notes, Part 2: Northern Ghana, Department of Archaeology, Legon [scattered notes on prehistoric finds in Chuchuliga, Fumbisi, Sandema, Wiaga and Wiesi].

de Tressan, Lavergne

1953       Inventaire linguistique de l’Afrique occidentale française et du Togo, Mém. IFAN, 30.

Delafosse, Maurice

1904       Vocabulaires comparatifs de plus de 60 langues ou dialectes parlés à la Côte d’Ivoire et dans les Regions limitrophes…, Paris.

1912       Haut-Sénégal-Niger (Soudan Français), 2 vols. Paris [vol. I, p. 130: “Tiansé [Kian]” and “Boulsé [Boua]”; p. 155: population statistics on the “Boua”; vol. II, p. 421: battle of Lt. Chanoine with Babatu at “Gandiaga” [Kanjaga] on 14 March, 1897].

1924       ‘Groupe Voltaique’ in: Meiller and Cohen, Les Langue du Monde, Paris

Der, Benedict

2001       Christian Missions and the Expansion of Western Education in Northern Ghana. In: Yakubu Saaka (ed.): Regionalism and Public Policy in Northern Ghana. Frankfurt: Peter Lang Verlag.

Dinslage, Sabine

1981       Mädchenbeschneidung in Westafrika. Kulturanthropologische Studien, eds. R.Schott and G. Wiegelmann, vol. 5, Hohenschäftlarn (Bambara, Bulsa, Dogon, Gurma, Malinke and Ubi).

2002       Erotic Folktales of the Bulsa in Northern Ghana. In: Mihály Hoppál and Eszter Csonka-Takács (ed.): Eros in Folklore. European Folklore Institute Budapest.

Dinslage, Sabine and Sabine Steinbrich,

1992         Ethnologische Symbolanalyse am Beispiel der Namengebung in Westafrika, in: W. Krawietz, L. Pospisil, S. Steinbrich (eds.): Sprache, Symbole und Symbolverwendungen in Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Religion und Recht. Festschrift für Rüdiger Schott zum 65. Geburtstag. pp. 13-50, Berlin. [personal names among the Lyela, Mossi, Bwa, Tuareg, Tallensi, and Bulsa]

Eddyshaw, David
2023 Toward Proto-Oti-Volta
(A Work in Progress, 154 pages)

Eyre-Smith, St. J.

1933       A Brief Review of the History and Social Organization of the People of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast, Govt. Printer, Accra. [45 pages].

Feldmann, Jürgen

1990a     Hacke und Pflug: Gesellschaftlicher Übergang bei den Bulsa in Nord-Ghana. In: S. Isbrand, G. Lübke and E. Mock-Bieber (eds.): Selbstbestimmt und solidarisch. Fallstudien über Selbsthilfe in der Dritten Welt. ASA-Studien 21, Saarbrücken – Fort Lauderdale.

1990b     Steinamboß und Ochsenpflug. Mechanismen des Transformationsprozesses von einer traditionellen zu einer kapitalisierten Gesellschaft am Beispiel des Kulturwandels im Metallhandwerk der Bulsa in Nord-Ghana, Magister Hausarbeit zur Erlangung des Magister Artium (M.A.) im Fachbereich Geschichtswissenschaften der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, Institut für Historische Ethnologie, Frankfurt. [modern changes of traditional blacksmithing; unpublished M.A. examination paper, 213 pages]

Ferreira, Marecelo and Heejeong Ko

2003       Questions in Buli. In: George Akanlig-Pare and Michael Kenstowicz (eds.): Studies in Buli Grammar. MIT working Papers on Endangered and Less Familiar Languages, vol. 4, 35-44, Cambridge.

Fraser, Douglas

1974       African art as philosophy. New York, Interbook [140 pp., produced for a photographic exhibition at Columbia University, Builsa and Tallensi art works: pp. 19-20].

 Fröhlich, Willy

1940       Das afrikanische Marktwesen, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 72,   234-328.  [p. 263-64 a six-day market among the Bulsa] 

Gaisie, G.H.F. (Forestry Department, Gold Coast)

n.d.         Provisional Table of Uses of Trees and Shrubs in the Northern Territories, Bulletin No. 5, Govt. Press, Tamale, compiled by G.H.F. Gaisie, forester [contains a list of 109 plants with their botanical names and their names in Kasem, Nankanni and Buli]

Gariba, Joshua

n.d.         Weaving the Fabric of Life: An Anthropological Presentation of Traditional Dwelling Culture among the Bulsa of North Eastern Ghana (unpublished manuscript, 19 pp.)

GILLBT (Ghana Institute of Linguistics, Literacy and Bible Translation)

1980        [Ian and Claire Gray] Te Ti Zamsi Buli [Let us learn Buli] 4 vols.

1983        [Paul Dancy] Learn to Read and Write Buli. For those who already know how to read English and want to learn to read Buli.

1984a      Luuk Gbangka; Charika 1 ale 2. [Chapter 1 and 2 of the gospel of St. Luke]

1984b?     [Paul Dancy] Maak Gbangka. Trial edition of Mark’s Gospel in Buli.

1984c?     [Paul Dancy] Buli Wamagsima Gela [140 Buli proverbs with English translation].

1984d?     [Paul Dancy] Te Ti Karim Buli. 4 vols. (vol. I: Te Ti Gomsi Buli Karimka) [Let us learn Buli, Buli Primer]

1985-90    Buli Karung Gbang. Maga maga ale yik waaung juik.  8 volumes.

1985a       Asuom ale Akalaasing ale sunsuelima nga chaab. Buli Traditional Stories 1Tamale

1985b      Dii nying ale soa ate Abunoruk a ta zu-kaba la. Buli Traditional Stories 2,  Tamale.     

1985c      Nyingyogsa Wie Gbang, 2 vol., [health and hygiene]

1985d      Kpari a kan yaali yam a jogi. [agriculture] Tamale. 

1985e      Yam Sakka Sunsuilima [fables].

1985f        Dunsa Wamagsima, Tamale.[proverbs about animals]

1988        Asuom ale Apiuk [fable] Tamale.

1990        Amaak. Gospel of Mark in Buli. International Bible Society.

1992        Agyon, Tamale [gospel of John].

1995        Naawen Gbang Paalika. The New Testament in Buli, The Bible League and GILLBT.

1998a      Habakkuk. GILLBT-Bolga.

1998b      Jona. Jonah. GILLBT-Bolga.

1999a      Arut. Ruth. GILLBT-Bolga.

1999b      Naawen Ale Bo Wabaata Nyam Buusa. Ezekiel 18. GILLBT-Bolga.

1999        Piilimka Gbangka. Genesis 1-9. GILLBT-Bolga.

2000        Ni te ti biisi Felini. Let’s speak English.

2002        Naa Tuni ne Lampooma: Ate Ku Maa Gomisi Gaana. Pay your taxes and help build Ghana, translated by Margaret Alediin, Norbert Akpilaanya and Martin Akandawen.

no date:  

Jeems Gbangka ale Pool Gbansa Siyewa ate wa ngmarisi a te Tesalonika demma la. Trial Edition of James and I & II Thessalonians in Buli.

Ni le ni nye dii a nak yiak ni dachiaka Kanchuinsa la. How to beat your enemy – Measles.

Buli wamagsima gela.

Ghana Presbyterian Wendoku

1975?     Sandema Wen Puusa Ale Yiila [Presbyterian Prayer- and Hymn-Book in Buli].

 Goody, Jack

1954       The Ethnography of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast, West of the White Volta, Colonial Office, London [59 pages typescript].

 Goody, Jack, and S.J. Tambiah

1973       Bridewealth and Dowry, Cambridge.

 Gray, Ian R.

1978a     Buli Noun Classes, Sandema and Tamale (G.I.L.L.B.T.).

1978b     Buli Concord, Sandema and Tamale (G.I.L.L.B.T.).

1980       see G.I.L.L.B.T.

 Gray, Ian and Claire

1979       Buli Phonology. ms., GILLBT.

Grabenheinrich, Miriam and Sabine Klocke-Daffa

2005        15 Frauen und 8 Ahnen. Leben und Glauben der Bulsa in Nordghana. Münster: Institut für Ethnologie [Handbook of the Bulsa Exhibition].

Greenberg, Joseph H.

1966       Languages of Africa, 2nd edition, Indiana, Bloomington.

 Heermann, Ingrid

1979       The development of the Markets among the Bulsa – Traditional Values and New Incentives. In: Mainzer Geographische Studien, Heft 17: Market-Place Exchange – Spatial Analysis and Policy (Mainz), 19-28.

1981     Subsistenz- und Marktwirtschaft im Wandel. Wirtschaftsethnologische Forschungen bei den Bulsa in Nord-Ghana.Kulturanthropologische Studien, eds. R. Schott and G. Wiegelmann, vol. 2, Hohenschäftlarn: Renner Verlag.

 Hiraiwa, Ken

2003a     Relativization in Buli. In: George Akanlig-Pare and Michael Kenstowicz (eds.): Studies in Buli Grammar. MIT working Papers on Endangered and Less Familiar Languages, vol. 4, 45-84. Cambridge.

2003b     The Morphosyntax of Extraction in Buli. Massachusetts Institute of Technology/ University of Ghana.

Holden, J.J.

1965       The Zabarima Conquest of Northwest Ghana, Part I. Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana, 8, 60-86. [Bulsa mentioned frequently; based partly on unpublished field-notes of inquiries in 1964].

1968       Maps of “Gurunsi” and the Upper Volta basin in the late 19th century. Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana 8, 60-86.

 Howell, Allison M.

1997       The Religious Itinerary of a Ghanaian People. Frankfurt a.M., Berlin, Bern, New York, Paris, Wien: Peter Lang Verlag [Kasena, some references to Bulsa].

Hsiao, Franny

*2003 Reduplication in Buli. In: George Akanlig-Pare and Michael Kenstowicz (eds.): Studies in Buli Grammar. MIT working Papers on Endangered and Less Familiar Languages, vol. 4, pp…. Cambridge.

 Hughes, Mark H.

1947      Depopulation in the Sisili Area, Navrongo; manuscript in the Rhodes-House Library, Oxford  [references to “Sinyensi” and “Vare”].

1948       Vare. A Study in Rural Decay; manuscript in the Rhodes-House Library, Oxford [describes the situation of the Bulsa village of Vare; now distinct].

Jebuni, Charles D. (Centre for Policy Analysis) and Daniel Bagah (University for Development Studies)  Builsa District. Human Development Report 2004.  www.undp-gha.org/Bulsa%20District%20HDR%202004.pdf

Junner, N.R.

1936       Report on the Geological Survey Department for the Financial Year 1935-36. Ghana Geological Survey Reports. Gold Coast, Accra.

Kasanga, K.

1997     Agricultural land administration and social differentiation: a cas study of the Tano, Vea and Bumbisi belts of north eastern Ghana. Paper No. 10. Social Science Research Council, New York.

Kenstowicz, Michael

2004 Verbal Tone in Buli: a Morphosyntactic Analysis. MIT. Paper presented at 2004 Tonc Symposium, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, December 2004

Klocke-Daffa, Sabine

2007        Interkulturelles Lernen in Deutschland aus der Sicht der Ethnologie. In: Ursula Bertels, Sandra de Vries, Nina Nolte (Ed): Fremdes Lernen. Aspekte interkulturellen Lernens im internantionalen Diskurs. Praxis Ethnologie 3. Münster: Waxmann, S. 13-30. [Comments to and photos of the Bulsa Exhibition]

 Koelle, Sigismund Wilhelm

1854       Polyglotta Africana, London (reprint Graz 1963). [Buli-wordlist, interviews with former Bulsa slaves].

 Köhler, Oswin

1958       Zur Territorialgeschichte des östlichen Nigerbogens, Baessler Archiv, N.F. 6 (Berlin), 229-61 [p. 238 “Builsa” mentioned as migrants among the Tallensi; p. 241 f. chapter on the ethno-historical composition of the Bulsa].

1964       Gur Languages in the Polyglotta Africana, Sierra Leone Language Review, 3, 65-73.

Konings, Piet

1984       Capitalist Rice Farming and Land Allocation in Northern Ghana, Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law (Littleton, Colorado), 22, 89-119 (based on field-research on the Gbedembilisi rice project).

1986       The state and rural class formation in Ghana: A comparative analysis. London, Boston, Melbourne and Henley.

Kröger, Franz

1978       Übergangsriten im Wandel. Kindheit, Reife und Heirat bei den Bulsa in Nord-Ghana, Kulturanthropologische Studien, eds. R. Schott and G. Wiegelmann, vol. 1, Hohenschäftlarn: Renner Verlag  [Rites of Passage: infancy, childhood, maturity and marriage…].

1980       The Friend of the Family or the Pok Nong Relation of the Bulsa in Northern Ghana, Sociologus, 30, 2, 153-165.

1982      Ancestor Worship among the Bulsa of Northern Ghana. Religious, Social and Economic Aspects, Kulturanthropologische Studien, eds. R. Schott and G. Wiegelmann, vol. 9, Hohenschäftlarn: Renner Verlag.

1984       The Notion of the Moon in the Calendar and Religion of the Bulsa (Ghana), Système de Pensée, Cahier 7, 149-151.

1986      Der Ritualkalender der Bulsa (Nordghana), Anthropos, 81, 671-681.

1987      Traditionelle und schulische Erziehung bei den Bulsa in Nordghana. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 112, 2, 269-283  [traditional education and school education].

1988   Die Terrakotta-Funde des Koma-Gebietes (Nordghana), Paideuma, 34, 129-142              [description of Koma terracotta figures; comparison with the recent material culture of the Bulsa].

1992a    Das Schmiedehandwerk der Bulsa in Nordghana. In: Zwei Eisen im Feuer. Schmieden im Kulturvergleich, ed. E. Tietmeyer, Münster, 11-32  [description of manufacturing methods and products of Bulsa blacksmiths].

1992b     Buli-English Dictionary. With an Introduction into Buli Grammar and an Index English-Buli. Lit Verlag Münster and Hamburg.

1993a     Schwarze Kreuze und Wahrsageobjekte: Tote und lebende Symbole der Bulsa, in: W. Krawietz, L. Pospisil and S. Steinbrich (eds.), Sprache, Symbole und Symbolverwendungen in Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Religion und Recht. Festschrift für Rüdiger Schott zum 65. Geburtstag. pp. 93-107, Berlin: Duncker and Humblot [black crosses and divinatory objects]

1993b     Drums of the Bulsa (Northern Ghana). In: Esther A. Dagan (ed.), Drums. The Heartbeat of Africa. Galerie Amrad African Art Publications, Montréal (Canada), pp. 103-104.

1997a    Brautraub? – Ein Beispiel aus Nordghana. in: S. Eylert, U. Bertels, C. Lütkes (eds.): Mutterbruder und Kreuzcousine – Einblicke in das Familienleben fremder Kulturen. Münster, New York, München, Berlin, pp. 35-40.

1997b    Wie finde ich einen Mann, der mich schwängert? – Das Problem der Unfruchtbarkeit in Nordghana. In: S. Eylert, U. Bertels, C. Lütkes (eds.): Mutterbruder und Kreuzcousine – Einblicke in das Familienleben fremder Kulturen. Münster, New York, München, Berlin, pp. 68-74.

1998a    Der Einfluß der Ahnenverehrung auf die Verteilung und Rotation von Ackerland. Zeitschrift für den Erdkundeunterricht, no.1, pp. 12-19 [The influence of ancestor veneration on the distribution and rotation of arable land]

1998b   Die Eignung religionsethnologischer Themen für den Geographieunterricht. Dargestellt am Beispiel der Ahnenverehrung in Nordghana. Regensburger Beiträge zur Didaktik der Geographie, vol. 4: Deutscher Schulgeographentag in Regensburg 1998, Tagungsband 1pp. 163-173.                             [The suitability of subjects concerning religious ethnology for geographical lessons at school]

2000a    Berücksichtigung ethnologischer Aspekte im Erdkundeunterricht. Ahnenverehrung, Landrotation und Entwicklungsprojekte. Erdkunde, Unterrichts-Materialien für Lehrkräfte Sekundarstufe II, Ergänzung 23, Fächerübergreifender Unterricht, S3, no. 612, (50 pp. and 3 foils) Stark Verlagsgesellschaft Freising.

2000b     Schmiede der Bulsa (Nordghana). In: W. Becker (ed.), Damaszener Schwerter vom Lübecker Ring. Soester Beiträge zur Geschichte von Naturwissenschaft und Technik, no.8, pp. 67-74                    [Blacksmiths of the Bulsa].

2001a      Materielle Kultur und traditionelles Handwerk bei den Bulsa (Nordghana). Forschungen zu Sprachen und Kulturen Afrikas (ed. R. Schott), 2 vols., Lit-Verlag, Münster and Hamburg                    [Material culture and traditional crafts...]

2001b      Ky or ch? That’s the Question. Discourse on Buli Orthography. Buluk 2, p. 35.

2003a      The First Europeans in the Bulsa Area. Buluk 3, p. 29-32.

2003b       Ethnographic Exploration of Northern Ghana’ Introduction to: Franz Kröger and Barbara Meier: Ghana’s North. Research on Culture, Religion and Politics of Societies in Transition. Peter Lang Verlag, pp. 3-10, bibliography: pp. 327-337.

2003c      Ancestors – Elders – Sacrifices: Concepts and Meanings among the Bulsa. In: Franz Kröger and Barbara Meier (eds.): Ghana’s North. Research on Culture, Religion and Politics of Societies in Transition, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt et al., pp. 243-262.

2005a     Die Erforschung der Bulsa-Kultur. In: Miriam Grabenheinrich and Sabine Klocke-Daffa (eds.): 15 Frauen und 8 Ahnen. Leben und Glauben der Bulsa in Nordghana, pp39-48, Münster.

2005b     Was wird aus Anamogsis Gehöft? In: Miriam Grabenheinrich and Sabine Klocke-Daffa (eds.): 15 Frauen und 8 Ahnen. Leben und Glauben der Bulsa in Nordghana. pp. 85-93, Münster.

2005c      Brockhaus Enzyklopädie (30 vol.): Überarbeitung des Bulsa Artikels Mannheim: Bibliographisches Institut & Brockhaus AG.

2008         Raids and Refuge: The Bulsa in Babatu’s Slave Wars. Research Review, N.S., vol. 24,2, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, pp. 25-38.

2009a     Das Kind muss einen Namen haben. Namengebung in Ghana und bei uns. In: L. Raesfeld und R. Bertels (Ed.): Götter, Gaben und Geselligkeit. Einblicke in Rituale und Zeremonien weltweit. Münster, New York, München und Berlin: Waxmann Verlag.

2009b     Rhymes in Buli Proverbs, Songs and Poems. Research Review NS 25,1, pp. 39-46.

2009c     Social and Cultural Change from A to Z. Buluk. Journal of Bulsa Culture and Society. No 5, p. 22-31.

2010a       F. Kröger and Ben Baluri Saibu: First Notes on Koma Culture. Life in a Remote Area of Northern Ghana. Münster: Lit Verlag. [Many passages contain a comparison of Bulsa and Koma culture]

2010b    Ziegen lieben PVC. Recycling und Müllprobleme in Nordghana. In: Ethnologik 2010, 1, 37-39.

2011        Mit Nahrung spielt man nicht! Kinder und Tiere in Nordghana. In: B. Huse, I. Hellmann de Manrique, U.Bertels (Ed.): Menschen und Tiere weltweit. Einblicke in besondere Beziehungen. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann, p. 127-135.

2012        Die dauerhafte Etablierung von rituellen Abweichungen. Das lakori-Prinzip bei den Bulsa Nordghanas. Anthropos 107: 1-12.

2013      Das Böse im göttlichen Wesen. Der Mungokult der Bulsa und Koma (Nordghana). Anthropos 108,2 495-513.

2016      Die Bulsa. Nordghana. Begleitblätter zur Abteilung Bulsa-Kultur (6 S.) Forum der Völker. Völkerkundemuseum der Franziskaner, Werl.

2017      Southern and Northern Bulsa: Co-operation and Competition. Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No. 10: 30-35.

2017      Atlas of the Bulsa South District.  Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No. 10: 36-55.

2017      Infrastructure of the Bulsa South District. Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No. 10: 56-60.

2017      Loanwords and Foreign Words in Buli. Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No. 10: 86-95.

2017      Going Home to Buluk (based on diary extracts, January 2001). Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No. 10: 96.

2017      Religious and Rebellious Elements in Bulsa Funeral Rites. Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No. 10: 97-113.

2018      Bulsa Cultural Heritage and the Possibilities of Tourism (1. Historical Sites, 2. Ancestral Shrines, 3. Bulsa Dances, 4. The Busik Basket – the Squaring of the Circle. Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No. 11: 41-57.

2018      Some Objects of Bulsa Material Culture. Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No. 11:68-69.

2019      The medical system of the Bulsa. Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No 12: 58-88.

2019      List of Plants for Medicines and other Purposes. Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No 12: 89-107.

2020      The Koma and Bulsa (Builsa) of Northern Ghana. Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No. 13. (The printed edition of Buluk 13 is in preparation)

2020      Good and Evil in Matter and Living Beings.  Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History, No 13. (The printed edition of Buluk 13 is in preparation)

2020 F.K. and his Bulsa Collaborators: Augustine Akanbe, Margaret Arnheim, Rev. James Agalic, Danlardy Leander, Yaw Akumasi, Robert Asekabta and Rose Ajuik: Buli Language Guide (Trial Edition), Lippstadt.

2022 Die Bulsa Bildungselite als ethnologisches Forschungsobjekt. Diskussionen in einer Bulsa Facebook Gruppe. In: Roland Hardenberg, Josephus Platenkamp, Thomas Widlok (Hrsg.): Ethnologie als angewandte Wissenschaft. Das Zusammenspiel von Theorie und Praxis. Berlin: Reimer Verlag, pp. 131-155.

2023 Bulsa Cuisine – Descriptions, Data, Lists.   Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History, No 14:  96-137.

—     Collection of 700 Bulsa Proverbs and Stock Phrases.  (unpublished typescript; Buli proverbs, English translation and interpretation)

Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther

1973       Sociolinguistic Survey of the Buli speaking area. University of Ghana. Legon.

1983       Sociolinguistic Survey of Northern Communities in Accra: Preliminary Report. Institute of African Studies, Legon.

Laube, Wolfram

2007      Changing Natural Resource Regimes in Northern Ghana. Actors, Structures and Institutions. ZEF (Center for Development Research, Bonn) Development Studies, ed. by Solvay Gerke and Hans-Dieter Evers, Volume 4. Münster and Berlin: Lit Verlag [field research mainly conducted in Biu(k) and its surroundings]

Larochette, J.

1956       The Consonant-Vowel Root in the Sudanic Languages, Zaire, 4, 6, 583-612 [short note on “Kanjaga”].

Lee, Youngjoo

*2003         Serial verb constructions in Buli. In: George Akanlig-Pare and Michael Kenstowicz (eds.):Studies in Buli Grammar. MIT working Papers on Endangered and Less Familiar Languages, vol. 4, pp. Cambridge.

Leifheit, Maren

1988       Selbsthilfeförderung im ländlichen Raum der Dritten Welt. Das Beispiel der Bulsa Rehabilitation Programme, Upper East Region, Ghana, Geographisches Institut der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen.

Mahama, Edward Salifu and Felix T. Longi
2013 Conflicts in Northern Ghana: Search for Solutions, Stakeholders and Way Forward. In: Ghana Journal of Development Studies, vol 10, no. 1-2, pp. 112-129.
[pp. 116-118: The Chuchuliga Chieftaincy Affairs]

Mallam Abu:  see Pilaszewicz

Manessy, Gabriel

1963      Rapport sur les langues Voltaïques, in: Actes du second colloque international de linguistique africaine (1962), Dakar, 239-266.

1975      Les langues Oti-Volta. Société d’Études Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France, Paris.

1977     Linguistique historique et traditions ethniques. Les peuples voltaiques dans l’est de la boucle du Niger. In: Zur Sprachgeschichte und Ethnohistorie in Afrika. Neue Beiträge afrikanistischer Forschungen, ed. W.J.G. Möhlig, F. Rottland and B. Heine, Berlin, 152-165  [Buli as the only representative of a sub-group of the Oti-Volta languages; characteristics of an isolated language]

1978       Le kirma, le tyurama et les langues voltaïques centrales, Afrika und Übersee, vol. LXI, 2, 82-119 [mentions Buli several times]

1979      Contribution à la classification généalogique des langues voltaiques. Langues et civilisations à tradition orale 37 [many references to Buli].

Manoukian, Madeline

1951      Tribes of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast, Ethnographic Survey of Africa, ed. D. Forde, Western Africa, part V, London. [p. 2 Builsa under the heading “Tribal Grouping and Distribution”, p. 7 “Languages”, based on Rattray]

Matushansky, Ora

2003       Adjectives in Buli. In: Michael Kenstowicz and George Akanlig-Pare (eds.): Studies in Buli Grammar (Working Papers on Endangered and Less Familiar Languages, vol. 4), pp. 117-129, Cambridge: MIT

Meier, Barbara

1987/88 Kikita in Erzählungen der Bulsa. Eine Untersuchung über Buschgeister und andere Phantasiegestalten. Seminar für Völkerkunde. Universität Münster. Wintersemester 1987/88.

1992      A chief does not cross ashes – Einige Gedanken zum Aschesymbolismus in Riten und Erzählungen der Bulsa. in: W. Krawietz, L. Pospisil and S. Steinbrich (eds.), Sprache, Symbole und Symbolverwendungen in Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Religion und Recht. Festschrift für Rüdiger Schott zum 65. Geburtstag. pp. 107-126, Berlin.

1993     Doglientiri. Frauengemeinschaften in westafrikanischen Verwandtschaftssystemen, dargestellt am Beispiel der Bulsa in Nordghana. Münster and Hamburg: Lit-Verlag.

1997a     ‘Weibliche Väter’ und ‘kleine Frauen’. Lebensfördernde Rituale von Frauen bei den Bulsa, Ghana. In: G. Völger (ed.): Frauenmacht und Männerherrschaft, Köln, pp. 91-98.

1997b     Kinderpflegschaft und Adoption in Ghana: Die kleinen Ehefrauen der Bulsa. In: U.Bertels, S. Eylert und C. Lütkes (Eds.): Mutterbruder und Kreuzcousine. Einblicke in das Famlilienleben fremder Kulturen. Münster, New York, München, Berlin. pp. 85-95  [doglientiri-relationship].

1999       Doglientiri: An institutionalized Relationship between Women and its Social Implications among the Bulsa of Northern Ghana.Africa 69,1: 87-107.

2000       Migrant women’s associations in Ghana: the case of the female chief and female chain migration, in: Jacqueline Knörre and Barbara Meier (eds.): Women and Migration. Anthropological Perspectives. Frankfurt and New York.

2003a     Living in the bush: Representations of urban life among Northern Ghanaian migrants. In: Franz Kröger and Barbara Meier, Ghana’s North. Research on Culture, Religion and Politics of Societies in Transition, pp. 61-78.

2003b     Nähe und Distanz: Freundschaften bei nordghanaischen Migranten in Accra/Tema. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Working Paper No. 55; Halle/Saale.

2004      Von Badetüchern, Kente-Stoffen und anderen Kleidern. Textile Inszenierungen zwischen Tradition und Moderne. In: B. Huse (Ed.)  Von Kopf bis Fuß. Münster: Waxmann.

2005       Bon Jovi in der Lehmhütte. In: Miriam Grabenheinrich and Sabine Klocke-Daffa (eds.): 15 Frauen und 8 Ahnen. Leben und Glauben der Bulsa in Nordghana. pp. 69-83, Münster.

date??     Relating affiliation and descent… In: G. Dobler and El Macamo (eds.): Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies, vol 9, pp.  – 153.

n.d. (ca. 2004) The maintenance of social peace and conflict avoidance through friendship among Northern Ghanaian migrant communities (unpublished manuscript; also in a German version).

Mélançon, L. and A. Prost

1972       Dictionnaire Buli – Français. Revu et présenté par A. Prost, Publications du Département de Linguistique Générale et de Langues Négro-Africaines de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de l’Université Dakar, no. 20.

Migeod, F.W.H.,

1911       The Languages of West Africa, vol. I, London [contains a chapter on “Kanjarga”]

Moon, Jay

2002       Builsa Proverbs and the Gospel. Missiology. An International Review. XXX,2, pp. 171-186.

Moon, Jay and Pam

2003       New Wells Give Living Water. SIM; Internet: http:/www.sim.org/mag_94_4.asp   [building wells in the Bulsa area].

2009        African Proverbs reveal Christianity in Culture. A Narrative4 Portrayal of Builsa Proverbs Contextualizing Christianity in Ghana. american Society of Missiology. Eugene, Oregib: Pickwick Publications.

Morris, A.

1902       Report on the late expedition into the Tiansi country, Gambaga, April 26th, 1902), Enclosure in a letter of Governor Major Nathan to Mr. Chamberlain (Accra, May 31st, 1902), Public Record Office, London, Co 879, 78, 05939, no. 25352 (Enclosure: no. G/105/N.T./02) [Lieutenant-Colonel A. Morris’s punitive expedition to Sandema].

Naden, Tony

1983/84 Western Oti/Volta Lexinotes, Gbeduuri/Walewale (comparative linguistics, selected word-fields; including Buli; mimeo)

1987       Western Oti/Volta Pronoun Systems, in: U. Wiesemann (ed.), Pronominal Systems, Tübingen, 257-284.

Nangkpaak Duut, George

2014         Feok War Dance Festival: Addressing Security Concerns in Upper East Region, Ghana. University of Education, Winneba (PhD  Dissertation). 210 pp.

Navrongo Training College, Staff and Students

1953       Buli Primer. London: Longmans.

1953       Buli Reader I. London: Longmans.

Nketia, J.H. Kwabena

1964a      Traditional and Contemporary Idioms of African Music, Journal of the International Folk Music Council, Cambridge, 16, 24-37. [short note on Bulsa music]

1994b     Builsa Work Song (c. 1948), In: J.H. Kwabena Nketia (ed.): African Pianism, Twelve Pedagogical Pieces. Accra: Afram Publications, pp. 20-21.

n.d.         The Instrumental Resources of African Music, Papers in African Studies (Legon), 3, 1-23 [p. 7: Buli names of Bulsa musical instruments]

 Norris, Rebecca L.

*2003     Embedded clauses in Buli. In: George Akanlig-Pare and Michael Kenstowicz (eds.): Studies in Buli Grammar. MIT working Papers on Endangered and Less Familiar Languages, vol. 4, pp. Cambridge.

Ollivant (District Commissioner of Navrongo)

1933       A short history of the Buli, Nankani and Kassene speaking people in the Navrongo area of the Mamprusi District, (unpublished manuscript).

 Packham, E.S.

1950       Notes on the Development of the Native Authorities in the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast, Journal of African Administration, II, 2, 26-30 [text refers also to the administration of the Bulsa area, though the Bulsa are mentioned only once].

Paton, Colin A. and Alan Byers

n.d.         Word-Lists Buli-English and English-Buli, compiled by the Reverends Paton and Byers

Perrault, P.

1954       History of the Tribes of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast, St. John Bosco’s Press, Navrongo [typescript, 100 pages, one short chapter about the “Builsa”]

Pilaszewicz, Stanislaw (ed.)

1992       The Zabarma conquest of north-west Ghana and Upper Volta. A Hausa narrative “Histories of Samory and Babatu and others” by Mallam Abu. Warszawa [pp. 83-84: “…war with the Kanjaga country…”].

Population Census of Ghana (Gold Coast), Accra

1931, 1948, 1960, 1970, 1984, 2000  [statistical data about Bulsa towns, sections, compounds and households, including education, literacy, religion, fertility, mortality, economic activity, water supply etc.]

Poulter, Todd

1983       Buli Spelling Decisions, Sandema (GILLBT).

1989       Buli phonology. Institute of African Studies (Legon) and GILLBT (Collected Language Notes Series)

Quack, Anton

2004       Hexer, Heiler und Schamanen. Die Religion der Stammeskulturen. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgemeinschaft. [Chapter 2, pp. 50-63: Bulsa and Tallensi]

Rattray, R.S.

1932      The Tribes of the Ashanti Hinterland, 2 vols., Oxford [vol. I, chapters I-IV on languages, among them “Bulea”; extensive word-list on pp. 64-111; vol. II, chapter XLII on “The Builsa”, p. 398-403].

Remmert, Désirée

2005       Leben zwischen zwei Kulturen. In: Miriam Grabenheinrich and Sabine Klocke-Daffa (eds.): 15 Frauen und 8 Ahnen. Leben und Glauben der Bulsa in Nordghana. pp. 107-108, Münster  [Life of a Bulsa lady in Germany]

Richards, Norvin

2003       Some notes on temporal and conditional adjuncts in Buli. In: George Akanlig-Pare and Michael Kenstowicz (eds.): Studies in Buli Grammar. MIT working Papers on Endangered and Less Familiar Languages, vol. 4, 147-157. Cambridge.

Rodriques, Nina

1935       Os Africanos no Brasil, 2a ediçao, Sao Paulo [p. 217-221 Buli word-list, cf. Zwernemann 1968b]

Rouch, Jean

1956       Migrations au Ghana, Journal de la Société des Africanistes, 26, 1/2, 33-196.

Saboro, Emmanuel (University of Cape Coast, Ghana)
2013 Songs of Sorrow, Songs of Triumph: Memories of the Slave Trade among the Bulsa of Ghana. In. A. Bellangamba, S. Greene, and M. Klein (eds.) Bitter Legacy: African Slavery Past and Present. pp. 133-147. Princeton, NJ: Marcus Weiner.

2016 The burden of memory: Oral and material evidence of human kidnapping for enslavement and resistance strategies among the Bulsa and Kasena of Ghana. Africology: Journal of Pan-African Studies 9 (4): 111-130.

2017 The Wound and the Voice: Verbal Articulations of Enslavement among the Bulsa and Kasena of Ghana. Nordic Journal of African Studies 26 (1), 34-61.

Schaefer, Nancy Ayres

1994       Buli discourse types. Research Review New Series, Suppl. 9, 27-33.  

1995a     Buli Discourse Types, Research Review Supplement No. 9, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana.

1995b     Two Pottery Experiences: Exploring Traditional Teaching Techniques, Research Review Supplement, No. 9, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana.

Schaefer, Robert

1989       Buli Background Summary. Tamale (unpublished manuscript).

Schott, Rüdiger

1970      Aus Leben und Dichtung eines westafrikanischen Bauernvolkes. Ergebnisse völkerkundlicher Forschungen bei den Bulsa in Nord-Ghana 1966/67. Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Geisteswissenschaften, no. 163, Köln and Opladen  [ethnographic outline, various songs, poems and stories in Buli and German]

1973       Kisuk-Tiere der Bulsa. Zur Frage des “Totemismus” in Nord-Ghana. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von H. Petri, ed. K. Tauchmann, Köln and Wien, pp. 439-459.

1973/74  Haus und Wildtiere in der Religion der Bulsa (Nord-Ghana). Paideuma 19/20, pp. 280-306.

1977      Sources for a History of the Bulsa in Northern Ghana. Paideuma 23, pp. 141-168.

1978a      Mission und Entwicklung in Afrika – dargestellt am Beispiel der Bulsa in Nord-Ghana. In: Weltmission in der Weltkrise, Vortragsreihe zum Monat der Weltmission in Münster, Oktober 1967, St. Augustin, pp. 63-80.

1978b     Das Recht gegen das Gesetz: Traditionelle Vorstellungen und moderne Rechtsprechung bei den Bulsa in Nord-Ghana, in: Recht und Gesellschaft, Festschrift für Helmut Schelsky zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. F. Kaulbach und W. Krawietz, Berlin, 605-636.

1979       Anarchie und Tradition. In: Begründungen des Rechts, ed. U. Nembach, Göttinger theologische Arbeiten, vol. 9, Göttingen, pp. 22-35.

1980a     Justice Versus the Law: Traditional and Modern Jurisdiction among the Bulsa of Northern Ghana. In: Law and State, 21, pp. 121-133.

1980b     Le droit contre la loi: conceptions traditionelles et jurisdiction actuelle chez les Bulsa au Ghana du nord, in: Dynamiques et finalités des droits africains, ed. G. Conac, Paris, 280-306 (translation of Schott, 1978b)

1980c    Triviales und Transzendentes: Einige Aspekte afrikanischer Rechts-traditionen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bulsa in Nord-Ghana. In: Entstehung und Wandel rechtlicher Traditionen, ed. W. Fikentscher, H. Franke, O. Köhler, Freiburg and München, pp. 265-301.

1981a     Law and Development in Africa. In: Law and State, 24, pp. 30-41.

1981b     Vengeance and Violence among the Bulsa of Northern Ghana. In: La Vengeance, Études d’ethnologie, d’histoire et de philosophie, vol. I: Vengeance et pouvoir dans quelques sociétés extra-occidentales, ed. R.Verdier, Paris, pp. 167-199.

1981c     Märkte und Menschen in der Savanne – Entwicklungsprobleme in Nordghana. In: Leben am Rande der Sahara, ed. Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit in Verbindung mit dem Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Köln, pp. 38-51.

1982a    Ehe und Familie in einer Gesellschaft westafrikanischer Bodenbauer (Bulsa in Nordghana). In: B. Mensen (ed.), Ehe und Familie in verschiedenen Kulturen, St. Augustin, Vortragsreihe 1981/82, pp. 55-74.

1982b    Der gegessene Gott. Mensch und Kosmos in afrikanischen Weltbildern. In: Die Entdeckung des Kosmos durch den Menschen, Studium generale, Wintersemester 1980/81, Münster pp. 89-135.

1983       Glaube und Brauch der Schmiede bei den Bulsa in Nord-Ghana. In: H.P. Duerr (ed.), Sehnsucht nach dem Ursprung. Zu Mircea Eliade, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 303-335.

1984     Die Einheit der Rechtskultur in der Vielheit der Rechtskulturen. In: Beiträge zur Rechtsanthropologie, Beiheft no 22, ARSP, pp.158-172.

1985     A Case Study of Living Law: Traditional and Modern Jurisdiction among the Bulsa in Northern Ghana. In: Quaderni Fiorentini per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno 14, Milano, pp.149-172.

1986      Fetische Gur-sprachiger Völker (Tallensi, Bulsa, Lyela) in der westafrikanischen Savanne. In: Was sind Fetische? Roter Faden zur Ausstellung. Museum für Völkerkunde, Frankfurt am Main, pp.171-230.

1987      Serment et voeux chez des ethnies voltaïques (Lyela, Bulsa, Tallensi) en Afrique Occidentale, Droit et Culture, 14, pp.29-56.

1988a     Traditional systems of social security and their present-day crisis in WestAfrica. In: F. von Benda-Beckmann et al. (ed.), Between Kinship and State, pp.89-107.

1988b     Les histoires d’enfants terribles chez les Bulsa (Ghana du Nord) et les Mossi (Burkina Faso) comme source ethnographiques. In: Die Oralliteratur als Quelle zur Erforschung der traditionellen Kulturen, ed. W.J.G. Möhlig, H. Jungraithmayr and J.F. Thiel, Collectanea Instituti Anthropos 36, Berlin, pp.125-138.

1988c     Die Ethnogenese von Völkern in Afrika, Studien zur Ethnogenese, Bd 2, Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Abhandlung 78, pp.7-42.

1988d     Eidos und Ethos – über einige Fragen der ethnographischen Inhaltsnanlyse afrikanischer Erzählungen, Münchener Beiträge zur Völkerkunde, 1, Festschrift László Vajda, pp. 205-217.

1988e     Some Problems with Tale-Type, Motif and Keyword Indices in Analysing Folktales of the Bulsa (Northern Ghana). In: Walter Heissig and Rüdiger Schott (eds.): Die heutige Bedeutung oraler Traditionen . The Present-Day Importance of Oral Traditions.Opladen/ Wiesbaden, pp. 333-340.

1989a     Gott in Erzählungen der Bulsa (Nord-Ghana), Paideuma, 35, pp.257-272.

1989b  Bericht über laufende Forschungen zur Motivanalyse afrikanischer Erzählungen im Seminar für Völkerkunde der Universität Münster, Fabula, Zeitschrift für Erzählforschung, 30, 1/2, pp.83-95.

1989c    Heil, Unheil und Verantwortung bei schriftlosen Völkern, Jahrbuch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie, vol 14, Opladen, 97-116; Diskussion zum Referat Schott: pp.117-120.

1990a     “La femme enceinte éventrée” – Variabilité et contexte socio-culturel d’un type de conte ouest-africain´. In: V. Görög (ed.): D’un conte… à l’autre. La variabilité dans la litterature orale, Paris, Editions du CNRS, pp.327-338.

1990b    Afrikanische Erzählungen als religionsethnologische Quellen – dargestellt am Beispiel von Erzählungen der Bulsa in Nordghana, Vorträge (G 305), Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.

1990c     Die Macht des Überlieferungswissens in schriftlosen Gesellschaften, Saeculum, 41, 3/4, pp.273-316.

1990d    Project of Comparative Analysis of Motifs and Themes in African Tales, Asian Folklore Studies, Nagodya, pp. 140-142.

1991a     La lois contre la religion? Rapport du droit et de la religion dans le changement social à partir d’exemples de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. In: Droit et cultures, 21, pp.16-31.

1991b     Die Verfügung über Leben und Tod in traditionellen afrikanischen Gesellschaften. Vortrag Akademie Völker und Kulturen, St. Augustin, 11.10.1991.

1992      Die soziale und religiöse Stellung des Bulsa-Schmiedes. In: Zwei Eisen im Feuer. Schmieden im Kulturvergleich, ed. E. Tietmeyer, Münster, pp.38-49.

1993a    Bulsa Sunsuelima: Folktales of the Bulsa in Northern Ghana. Series S: Folktales of the Supernatural. Vol. 1: Tales of the Sky-God (Wen, Naawen). Part I. In: R. Schott (ed.): Forschungen zu Sprachen und Kulturen Afrikas, vol. 2. Münster and Hamburg: Lit-Verlag. [412 pp., cf. Schott 1996a]

1993b    Die Moral von der Geschicht’ – Normative Vorstellungen in Erzählungen der Bulsa (Nordghana). in: Rechtsnorm und Rechtswirklichkeit. Festschrift für Werner Krawietz zum 60. Geburtstag. Edited by A. Aarnio, St.L. Paulson, O. Weinberger, G.H. von Wright, D. Wyduckel; Berlin, pp. 761-777.

1993c     Le caillou et la boue – Les traditions orales en tant que légitimation des autorités traditionelles chez les Bulsa (Ghana) et les Lyéla (Burkina Faso), Paideuma 39, pp.145-162.

1993d     Le sang et le sacré – La violence et sa réglementation dans deux sociétés segmentaires de l’Afrique occidentale: les Bulsa (Ghana du Nord) et les Lyéla (Burkina Faso). In: La violence et l’etat – Formes et évolution d’un monopole (E. le Roy and Tr. von Trotha, eds.) Paris: Édition Harmattan, pp. 73-83.

1994a     Schenken und Geschenke in Erzählungen der Bulsa (Nordghana). In: Th. Geider and R. Kastenholz (eds.): Sprachen und Sprachzeugnisse in Afrika. Eine Sammlung philologischer Beiträge, Wilhelm J.G. Möhlig zum 60. Geburtstag zugeeignet, Köln, pp. 409-428.

1994b     La légitimation des autorités traditionnelles de deux sociétés “lignagères” en Afrique occidentale: les Bulsa (Ghana) et les Lyéla (Burkina Faso). In: Wilh. J.G. Möhlig and Trutz v. Trotha (eds.): Legitimation von Herrschaft und Recht. 3. Kolloquium deutsch-französischer Rechtsanthropologen. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, pp. 185-198.

1994c    On the Sense and Nonsense of Performance Studies Concerning Oral Literature of the Bulsa in Northern Ghana. Oral Tradition, vol. 9, no. 1, Ohio, pp.162-184.

1994d     Der Fremde in traditionellen afrikanischen Gesellschaften, Saeculum, vol 45, pp.126-165.

1995a     Rechtspluralismus und Rechtsgleichheit in den postkolonialen Staaten Afrikas. in: Ernst-Joachim Lampe (ed.): Rechtsgleichheit und Rechtspluralismus. Interdisziplinäre Studien zu Recht und Staat. Baden-Baden, pp. 38-74.

1995b     Le jugement chez deux peuples «acéphales» en Afrique occidentale: les Bulsa (Ghana) et les Lyéla (Burkina Faso). In: Droit et cultures, no 29: pp. 77-208.

1996a     Bulsa Sunsuelima – Folktales of the Bulsa in Northern Ghana. Series S: Folktales of the Supernatural. Vol. 1: Tales of the Sky-God (Wen, Naawen). Part II-III. In: R. Schott (ed.): Forschungen zu Sprachen und Kulturen Afrikas, vol. 4. Münster and Hamburg: Lit-Verlag.

1996b   Das Verhältnis von Individuum und Gemeinschaft in afrikanischen Gesellschaften. in: Bernh. Mensen (ed.): Afrika zwischen Tradition und Moderne. Akademie Völker und Kulturen St. Augustin. Vortragsreihe 1995/96, vol. 19; Nettetal: Steyler Verlag, pp. 55-83.

1996c     Correspondence and Divergence between the Religious World-View and Folktales of the Bulsa in Northern Ghana. in: Ülo Valk (ed.): Studies in Folklore and Popular Religion, vol. 1, Publications of the Department of Estonian Comparative Folklore, University of Tartu, Tartu, pp. 133-141.

1996d     The Life of the Dead in Reality and in Folktales of the Bulsa (Northern Ghana, West Africa). In: Leander Petzold (ed.): Folk Narrative and World View. Vorträge des 10. Kongresses der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Volkserzählungsforschung (ISFNR), Insbruck 1992, part 2, Frankfurt a.M. etc., pp. 741-757.

1997     Orakel und Opferkulte bei Völkern der westafrikanischen Savanne. Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Geisteswissenschaften. Vorträge G 348. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.

1999       Limits on the access to land, cattle and women among some West African peoples. In: Michael Rösler and Tobias Wendl (eds.): Frontiers and Borderlands. Anthropological Perspectives, Frankfurt a.M. etc.: Peter Lang Verlag, pp. 159-186.

2000a    Wahrsager in Erzählungen der Bulsa. In: Ilona Nagy and Kincsö Verebélyi: Folklore in 2000. Voces amicorum Guilhelmo Voigt sexagneario. Budapest. pp. 74-85.

2000b    Schriftlose Geschichte in akephalen Gesellschaften der westafrikanischen Savanne. In: Saeculum. vol. 51, pp. 175-190.

2001a    Groteske Komik in Erzählungen der Bulsa (Nordghana). in: Ibriszimow, Dymitr, Rudolf Leger and Uwe Seibert (eds.): Von Ägypten zum Tschadsee – Eine linguistische Reise durch Afrika. Festschrift für Herrmann Jungraithmayr zum 65. Geburtstag. Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, Vol. LIII.3. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, pp. 421-434.

2001b     Oral traditions and historical realities among ethnic groups in the West African Savannah. In: Jürgen Beyer and Reet Hiiemäe (eds.): Folklore als Tatsachenbericht. Sektion für Folkloristik des Estnischen Literaturmuseums. Tartu, pp. 185-207.

2001c    Die Lebenden und die Toten als Kommunikations- und Solidargemeinschaft. Totenrituale in Afrika. In: Markwart Herzog (ed.): Totengedenken und Trauerkultur – Geschichte und Zukunft des Umgangs mit Verstorbenen. Irseer Dialoge, vol. 6. Stuttgart, pp. 59-83.

2002      Zweifel an Gott in Erzählungen der Bulsa in Nord-Ghana. In: Manfred Hutter, Wassilios Klein and Ulrich Vollmer (eds.): Haeresis. Festschrift für Karl Hoheisel zum 65. Geburtstag. Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergänzungsband 34. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, pp. 390-397.

2003      Death and the Dead in Folktales of the Bulsa in Northern Ghana. In: Franz Kröger and Barbara Meier (eds.): Ghana’s North. Research on Culture, Religion and Politics of Societies in Transition, Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang Verlag, pp. 293-312.

2005       Der Toten- und Ahnenkult der Bulsa. In: Miriam Grabenheinrich and Sabine Klocke-Daffa (eds.): 15 Frauen und 8 Ahnen. Leben und Glauben der Bulsa in Nordghana. Münster, pp. 51-59.

2006       (Ed.) Bulsa Sunsuelima – Erotic Folktales of the Bulsa in Northern Ghana. In: Research on African Languages and Cutures, ed. by Rüdiger Schott, vol. 11, Berlin: Lit Verlag

—            Collection of approx. 1200 stories, songs, proverbs etc. in Buli with English translations (most of them unpublished; partly on tape).

Schott, Rüdiger and Kröger, Franz

1982       Language and Culture of the Bulsa in Ghana. In: Bernd Heine (ed.): Recent German Research on Africa: Language and Culture, Projects of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Society), pp. 76-79.

Schwarz, Anne

1995       Untersuchungen zum nominalen Klassensystem des Buli (Nordghana), MA Thesis, University of Hamburg.

1999       Preverbal negative markers in Buli. In: Gur Papers / Cahiers voltaïques No. 4, 91-98.

2000       Perfective verb tone in Buli. In: Gur Papers / Cahiers voltaïques No. 5, 149-155.

2003       Low tone spreading in Buli. In: Gur Papers / Cahiers voltaïques No. 6, 121-130.

2005      Aspekte der Morphosyntax und Tonologie im Buli – Mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Buli von Wiaga. PHD Thesis, Philosophische Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität Berlin (334 pp.).   http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/dissertationen/schwarz-anne-2005-06-27/PDF/schwarz.pd

?              Verb-and-predication focus markers in Gur. … , 287-314.

2007        Ja, sind der Uhr denn Flügel gewachsen? Herausforderungen bei der Elizitierung von Informationsstruktur. Festkolloquium zum 70. Geburtstag von Dr. Franz Kröger

2008        To be or not to be? About the copula system in Buli (GUR). Special WOCAL 6 Brasil, 263-277.

2016          Information structural reflections in the tone system of Buli and some related Gur languages of Northern Ghana. Preliminary Version.

St. John-Parsons, D.

1958       Legends of Northern Ghana, London: Longmans  [pp. 38-40 chapter on “Atuga, the Founder of the Builsa”; textbook for schools]

Stößel, Arnulf (ed.)

1984      Afrikanische Keramik. Traditionelle Handwerkskunst südlich der Sahara, München. Exhibition Catalogue [p. 103-105 and 257-264 Bulsa pottery and pots, 18 photos of Bulsa vessels]

Striewisch, Martin

1988       Die Bedeutung des Hirsebrauens für die wirtschaftliche und soziale Stellung der Frau in westafrikanischen Gesellschaften, Münster [unpublished M.A. thesis; the significance of pito-brewing is examined in several West African groups; p.168-179: Bulsa]

n.d.         Staudämme der Bulsa [12 pp.]

Swadesh, Mauricio and Evangelina Arana with J.T. Bendor-Samuel and W.A.A. Wilson

1966       A Preliminary Glottochronology of Gur Languages, Journal of West African Languages, 3, 27-65.

Tauxier, Louis

1912       Le noir du Soudan – Pays Mossi et Gourounsi, Paris [chapter II, p. 275-294, ethnographic notes on “Les Bouras”; see also appendices no. 7-11 on the “Bouras”].

1924       Nouvelles notes sur le Mossi et le Gourounsi, Paris [pp. 39, 41, 51 mention “les Tiansi ou Boulsi” or “Kiansi”, as the “Gourounsi du Sud”; p. 94-142 extensive word-list, “Vocabulaire Kiansi”, 550 words, collected from a woman of “Pisi” (?), p. 143f. Appendix X “Notices sur les Kiansi” where reference is made to Binger and Delafosse]

Tietmeyer, Elisabeth (ed.)

1992       Zwei Eisen im Feuer. Schmieden im Kulturvergleich, Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe, Westfälisches Museumsamt, Münster  [several chapters with many photos on Bulsa blacksmiths; see also Schott 1992 and Kröger 1992; pp. 93-110: a comparison between Bulsa and Westphalian blacksmiths by E. Tietmeyer]

United Bible Society (ed.)

n.d.        Buli Naawen Gbangka Zamsika No. 1. Pool Gbanka Ate Wa Ngmarisi a Te Filipai.

n.d.        Buli Naawen Gbangka Zamsika No. 1. Pool Gbanka Ate Wa Ngmarisi a Te Kolose Demma la.

Wangara, Peter  (see also Alediin, Margaret and GILLBT)

1988       Asuom ale Apiuk [Hare and Hyena], GILLBT.

1994      Anyenya ale wa dokdemma nyingyogsa wie. National Functional Literacy Programme. Non-Formal Education Division. Ministry of Education, Ghana.

2000       Ku gbeling kama, ku an waangya. It has tilted, it has not poured. Published and printed by GILLBT, Tamale.

Westermann, Diedrich

1913       Die Mossi-Sprachgruppe im westlichen Sudan, Anthropos, 8, 467-504, 810-830 [p. 469: “Kanjaga” not a Mossi-language]

1913-15 Die Grussisprachen im westlichen Sudan. Zeitschrift für Kolonialsprachen, 4. (1913/14): pp.161-180, 312-332; 5. (1914/15): pp. 45-76 [4, 168: word-list, 312-332 grammar of ‘Kanjaga’].

1927       Die westlichen Sudansprachen und ihre Beziehungen zum Bantu, Beihefte zu den Mitteilungen des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen, XXIX, Berlin [pp. 14 and 124: “Kanjaga” grouped among Grusi-languages]

Westermann, Diedrich and M.A. Bryan

1952 Handbook of African Languages, part 2: The Languages of West Africa, London (p. 62: “Kanjaga, own name buile (Bulugu, Bulea) …spoken by Kanjaga (Builsa) …”; p. 72 “Kanjaga” concords; p. 74 “nasal vowels and change of tone”)

Wiaga Catholic Parish

n.d.         Buli Mass  [Buli hymns and prayers]

White Fathers (Roman Catholic Mission in Wiaga)

n.d.         Buli Grammar.

Zwernemann, Jürgen

1960       Präexistenz und Prädestination im Voltagebiet und in Oberguinea, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 85, 187-196 [p. 190 short reference to the Bulsa, based on Cardinall 1920]

1961       Les notions du dieu-ciel chez quelques tribus voltaïques, Études voltaïques, 2, pp.71-100  [p. 90 on “Wen, Weni”, 99f. comparative word-list]

1968a     Die Erde in Vorstellungswelt und Kultpraktiken der sudanischen Völker, Berlin  [many scattered notes on the Bulsa]

1968b     Ein “Gurunsi”-Vokabular aus Bahia: Ein Beitrag zur Afro-Amerikanistik, Tribus, 17, pp. 147-156 [word-list from a Bulsa woman-slave in Brazil, published by N. Rodriques 1935; J. Zwernemann compares the vocabulary of this Bulsa woman with the word-lists in Koelle, Rattray and Westermann]

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