Franz Kröger


Availability of Publications on Bulsa Culture and History in Ghana


 Under Construction


BuAr: Bulsa Archive in the Sandemnaab’s compound, at the moment under the custodianship of Sandemnaab Azagsuk

DiLiSa: District Library Sandema

FISTRAD: FISTRAD Library Sandema

Sansec: Library of the Sandema Senior Secondary School

Santec: Library of the Sandema Senior Technical School

WiPa: Wiaga Catholic Parish Library

WiSec: Wiaga Senior Secondary School

FumSec: Library of the Fumbisi Secondary School

RBol: Regional Library Bolgatanga

IAS: Library of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon

Balme: Balme Library of the University of Ghana, Legon

GoBo: Google books: can be downloaded from the internet without charge

DL: Download from internet possible (contact search addresses)

dig: digital version


1. PUBLICATIONS BY RÜDIGER SCHOTT (Offprints and Photocopies)


1977     Sources for a History of the Bulsa in Northern Ghana, Paideuma 23, 141-168.



1985     A Case of Living Law: Traditional and Modern Jurisdiction among the Bulsa in Northern Ghana, in: Quaderni Fiorentini per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno 14, Milano, 149-172.



1987b   Traditional Law and Religion among the Bulsa of Northern Ghana. In: Journal of African Law (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London) vol 31, nos. 1 and 2, 58-69.



1988a   Traditional systems of social security and their present-day crisis in WestAfrica, in: F. von Benda-Beckmann et al. (ed.), Between Kinship and State, 89-107.


1993      Bulsa Sunsuelima. Folktales of the Bulsa in Northern Ghana. Münster und Hamburg: Lit Verlag. Balme

1996     Correspondence and Divergence between the Religious World-View and Folktales of the Bulsa in Northern Ghana. in: Ülo Valk (Hg.): Studies in Folklore and Popular Religion, vol. 1, Publications of the Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, university of Tartu, Tartu



1996     The Life of the Dead in Reality and in Folktales of the Bulsa (Northern Ghana, West Africa), in: Leander Petzold (Ed.): Folk Narrative and World View. Vorträge des 10. Kongresses der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Volkserzählforschung (ISFNR), Inssbruck 1992, Teil 2, Frankfurt a.M. etc., p. 741-757



1999     Limits on the access to land, cattle and women among some West African peoples, in: Micahael Fösler / Tobias Wendl (Eds.): Frontiers and Borderlands. Anthropological Perspectives, Frankfurt a.M. etc., p. 159-186.



1999     The Rebellious Girl who wants the Perfect Man: Role Assignments in Folktales of the Bulsa in Northern Ghana. Estudos de Literatura Oral. no 5, 121-136.



2.  PUBLICATIONS BY FRANZ KRÖGER (Books, offprints and photocopies)


1980     The Friend of the Family or the Pok Nong Relation of the Bulsa in Northern Ghana, Sociologus, 30, 2, 153-165.



1982     Ancestor Worship among the Bulsa of Northern Ghana. Religious, Social and Economic Aspects,       Kulturanthropologische Studien, eds. R. Schott and G. Wiegelmann, vol. 9, Hohenschäftlarn. (Book!)


BuAr, Balme, IAS, DiLiSa?

1984     The Notion of the Moon in the Calendar and Religion of the Bulsa (Ghana), Système de Pensée, Cahier 7, 149-151.



1993     Drums of the Bulsa (Northern Ghana), in: Drums. The Heartbeat of Africa. Ed. Esther A. Dagan, Galerie Amrad African Art Publications, Montréal (Canada), pp. 103-104.


1992    Buli-English Dictionary. With an Introductory Grammar and an Index English-Buli. Hamburg und Münster: Lit-Verlag. Balme, IAS,Available at Amazon (internet) for € 43.46

2003     Three offprints from: F. Kröger and B. Meier (ed.): Ghana’s North. Research on Culture, Religion, and Politics of Societies in Transition. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang.

1) Introduction: Ethnographic Exploration of Northern Ghana, pp. 3-10.

2) Elders – Ancestors – Sacrifices: Concepts and Meanings among the Bulsa, pp. 243-262.

3) (Franz Kröger:) General Bibliography… pp. 327-337.


BuArBook: Balme, IAS

2008     Raids and Refuge: The Bulsa in Babatu’s Slave Wars. Research Review, N.S., vol. 24,2, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, pp. 25-38.


BuAr (also dig.), IAS (Bookshop)

2009     Rhymes in Buli Proverbs, Songs and Poems. Research Review NS 25,1, pp. 39-46.


BuAr (also dig.), IAS (Bookshop)

2012     Colonial Officers and Bulsa Chiefs – with Special Consideration of Elections. Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No 7.



2012     Who was this Atuga? Facts and Theories on the Origin of the Bulsa. Buluk – Journal of Bulsa Culture and History. No 7.



2012     (F. Kröger and R. Schott) Bibliography: The Bulsa: Ethnography, History and Language.




3. BULUK, Journal of Bulsa Culture and Society

BULUK 1,  No Main Feature  / Printed: DiLiSa
BULUK 2, No Main Feature  / Printed: DiLiSa
BULUK 3, Main Feature: School Education in the Bulsa area  / Printed: DiLiSa
BULUK 4, Main Feature: Religions and Missions among the Bulsa  / Printed: DiLiSa / IAS
BULUK 5, Main Feature: Cultural and Social Change in Buluk  / Printed: DiLiSa / IAS
BULUK 6, Main Feature: Bulsa Chieftaincy  / Printed: BuAr / DiLiSa / IAS /
BULUK 7, Main Feature: Bulsa History  / Printed: DiLiSa / FISTRAD / Sansec / Santec / WiPa
BULUK 8, Main Feature: Migration, Diaspora, Communication  / Printed: DiLiSa / FISTRAD / Sansec / Santec / FumSec / WiPa
BULUK 9, Main Feature: Bulsa Women  / Printed: DiLiSa / FISTRAD / Sansec / Santec / Fumsec / WiSec / RBol / IAS / Balme /
BULUK 10, Main Feature: Bulsa South District  

BuAr, Sansec, FISTRAD, DiLiSa, IAS, Balme




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