Rev. Joseph Aduedem
Two sons of Buluk ordained in Wiaga to the Catholic Priesthood

Rev Fr J. Aduedem (l) and Rev Fr. N. Abagsuik (r) recessing after their ordination Mass
Ordination ceremony is not just a sacred one in which baptised Catholic men are changed ontologically to become servants and ministers of the Church, but also a historical event. As such, Wiaga and the entire Buluk had the privilege of hosting and witnessing an ordination this year on the 8th of July, 2023. Moreover, the ceremony this year which saw the ordination of three young men, concerned two sons of the soil, Rev. Fr. Nelson Abagsuik from Wiaga, and Rev. Fr. Joseph Aduedem from Sandema, the third candidate Rev. Fr. Joachim Azangeo M. Afr. being a Frafra from Nayorogo in the Bongo District.
It is worth noting that this was not the first of its kind in Wiaga. The first of these ceremonies was the ordination of the late Rev. Fr. Peter Azenab Anayieng on 1st April, 1967, then that of Rev. Fr. Percy Anaab Abangdin on 18th December, 1982. The third ordination ceremony to be held in Wiaga was that of the ordaining prelate for this year’s ordination himself, Most Rev Alfred Agyenta on 6th August, 1988. Well, Sandema, also in Buluk hosted the ordination of two sons of Buluk (Rev. Frs. Ebenezer Atongdem and Vitus Adiita) together with three non Bulsa candidates in 2016. The ordaining prelate that year was the then Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana, His Excellency, Most Rev. Jean Marie Speich.

Mr Alieming Abagsuik (l) and Mr Akinla Aduedem (r), the fathers of Rev Frs Nelson and Joseph respectively, at their sons’ priestly ordination in the Church.
Admittedly, as far as the Rites are concerned, nothing essentially differentiates one priestly ordination ceremony from another, and so, nothing differs from that occasion of 2016 in Sandema from this year’s ceremony in Wiaga. Nevertheless, every ordination ceremony comes with its own uniqueness. I would point out two unique things about this year’s ordination ceremony.
To begin with, this year’s ordination ceremony has broken the long awaited period of the parish hosting an ordination in the diocese. Thus, the privilege of hosting this kind of ceremony is ordinarily rare, since the Cathedral parishes by Church law are the ordinary places for hosting such celebrations. However, the Diocesan Bishop for pastoral reasons is free to choose any other venue, and the practice in the Navrongo-Bolgatanga Diocese is that, the venue be the home parish of one of the ordinandi. It is not therefore surprising that it took a long time for St. Francis Xavier Parish (Wiaga) to host this kind of ceremony. This is a call to all of us to pray that Bulsa young men may respond positively to the call of God to serve in the Diocese as priests, and by that, we can have the hope of hosting ordination ceremonies.
The Second unique feature is that, since this son of Buluk (Bishop Agyenta) assumed the office of High Priest and Chief Shepherd, this was the first time he was ordaining his dek kobisa to any rank of the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Thus, Rev. Frs. Nelson Abagsuik and Joseph Aduedem are privileged to be ordained by their own kwo and kobiik (Most Rev Alfred Agyenta). And this took place in no less a place but the very place he was ordained priest in 1988. This signals a sense of growth of the Catholic faith in Buluk. Having reached this maturity, it is time to allow the Catholic faith to permeate all aspects of our lives as Bulsa people, including our cultural practices. At least having come this far, we should never doubt the good intentions of the missionaries for stepping foot in Buluk.
Photo 3. Bishop Agyenta laying hands on Rev Nelson. An essential element (the Matter for this Sacrament) in ordination.
Bishop Agyenta laying hands on Rev Joseph Aduedem, an essential element (the Matter for this Sacrament) in ordination.

Bishop Agyenta laying hands on Rev. Nelson. An essential element (the Matter for this Sacrament) in ordination.

Bishop Agyenta laying hands on Rev. Joseph Aduedem.
Having said the above, let us get some information about these two sons of Buluk. Rev. Fr. Nelson Abagsuik comes from Mutiensa (Sinyangsa) in Wiaga. He was born in Mutiensa, and grew up at home. He had his primary education at Mutiensa Primary School. Then he proceeded to Abuluk Junior High and from there, to Azantilow Senior High Technical School (then Sandema Senior High/Technical School). After staying home for few years, he started his priestly formation (training) in 2014 together with his kobiik, Rev. Fr. Joseph Aduedem.
Rev. Fr. Joseph Aduedem hails from Pungsa, Bilinsa in Sandema. Born in a traditional background, he combined shepherding and schooling at tender age. He attended Kori Primary School (nicknamed by then as Adonchim Primary) and Afoko Junior High School at the Basic Education level. Then he proceeded to Bolgatanga Senior High School and completed a four-year science programme.
Immediately after completion, he got admitted into the St Victor’s Major Seminary in Tamale for his priestly formation. Together with Rev. Fr. Nelson, they started their formation in St Michael’s Propaedeutic Seminary in Kaleo, Wa in 2014, and since then, they have journeyed together in their seminary formation up to this year, where they were ordained together. After all, the Lord sent them two by two (Luke 10:1).
In a related development, another son of Buluk crowned this year’s ordination mood to make it NIDUEN NUAI (three: three sons of Buluk became priests this year) in the Cape Coast Archdiocese on 1st September, 2023. He is Rev. Fr. Francis Madonna Ayaric, from Gbedema. He was born in Accra and grew up in Agona Swedru. He had his education in the Southern part of the country, and this possibly informed his choice. Thus, he is a priest for the Cape Coast Archdiocese of Ghana, the first diocese in Ghana actually.

Rev. Fr. Francis Ayaric
From all the above, I am very convinced that the efforts of Rev. Fr. Dagenais, Rev. Fr. Champagne, and Bro. Albert in opening a mission Station in Wiaga (1927) had not being fruitless. Even though it took a long time, their efforts have been crowned with over twenty sons and daughters of Buluk serving the Church and humanity as priests, religious brothers and sisters. May God bless Buluk, and may the Catholic faith find roots in the soil of our hearts as Buluk bisa.