Soils of the Bulsa South District


(Source: 2010 Population and Housing Census, District Analytical Report, Builsa South District, Ghana Statistical Service, October, 2014, p. 3)


The District is developed from five different geological formations namely Granite, Birimian rock, Voltaian shale, and Old Alluvium of mixed origin and Very Old River Terraces. Out of these, the dominant soil groups in the district are of granite origin. They form the predominant soils in the northern half of the district and more than half of the southern part. The second largest groups of soils are those derived from alluvia of mixed origin and those on very old river terraces.

Intense erosion overtime has contributed to serious reduction in soil depth and thereby loss or arable surface.

The alluvial soils of the south on the whole are very suitable for rice production due to the seasonal flooding in the areas. Most of the soils are suitable for the cultivation of a wide range of savanna grain and tree crops such as millet, maize, sorghum, rice, groundnuts, cotton, Soya beans, guinea-corn, sheanuts, dawadawa and root tubers like potatoes.

The well-known Fumbisi valleys consist of a vast tract of land that stretches from southern Fumbisi and Uwasi to Wiesi and Gbedembilisi at the confluence of the Sissili and Kulpawn rivers. The zone has mostly alluvia soils developed from recent and old alluvium of mixed origin as well as those developed on very old river terraces.




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