
Journal of Bulsa Culture and Society

No 14  (2022)




Main Feature: 

Bulsa Cuisine







Ghanatta Ayaric: Professor S. Abanteriba awarded Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM)

Ghanatta Ayaric, Robert Asekabta, John Agandin and Franz Kröger: Franz Kröger House – Azantilow Senior High Technical School, Sandema

Ghanatta Ayaric: Finding a good friend in Germany
Robert Asekabta: Speech held at the House-Naming Ceremony on 20 Feb., 2023 27
Preceding Events and the Program of Renaming
John A. Agandin and others: Congratulatory Messages…
Franz Kröger: Thank You!

Franz Kröger: The Parliamentary and Presidential Elections of December 2020

Franz Kröger, Robert Asekabta and Kennedy Azantilow: Electing New Bulsa Chiefs (2021-22)

1. Qualifications for becoming a chief (by F. Kröger and Kennedy Azantilow)
2. Election of a new Fumbisi Chief
3. Election of a new Doninga Chief
4. Election of a new Kadema Chief (by Robert Asekabta)
5. Election of a new Bachongsa Chief (by Robert Asekabta)


Augustine A. Atano: Feok Festival 2020 (Review)

Augustine A. Atano: The Duration of the Feok Festival

Augustine A. Atano: Feok Festival 2021 (Review)

Kennedy Azantilow and others: Feok Festival (and Associated Events) 2022 51

Franz Kröger: Who on Earth is interested in the Bulsa?


Danlardy Leander Amoak: Biography of the Late Mr Michael Abaala (1054-2021) 57

Franz Kröger: Obituary of Danlardy Leander Amoak

Atimbas Akangu Kazi (source): Obituary of Kwame Akanyabadek Aboalik

Margaret Arnheim: Maaka e.V. in Buluk


Franz Kröger (Reviewer): Martin Anbegwon Atuire: Bleeding Palimpsests: Heritage Tourism and the Commodification of Indigenous Memory in Northern Ghana

Kwesi Amoak (Reviewer): Dr. Caesar Atuire: Philosophical Underpinnings of an African Legal System

Joseph Aduedem: Stranger in Her Own Land – The Position of Women in Bulsa Society

Joseph Aduedem: Kisuta (taboos): Their Origins and Significance among the Bulsa

Joseph Aduedem: Abunoruk Maari Asuom / Abunoruk helped Asuom

Joseph Aduedem: Yog Wiik; Traditional Mode of Information Dissemination

Franz Kröger: Picture of an African Woman

Franz Kröger: Recent Publications on the Bulsa and Buluk

Various Authors: Commentaries in the Internet Edition of BULUK (1-14)

Abdul-Rauf Akan-mwanatechaab: Brothers in Skirts (poem)

John A. Agandin: The Fires Eat the Land at Home (poem, after Kofi Awoonor)


Franz Kröger: Bulsa Cuisine – Descriptions, Data, Lists

1. Meals in Traditional Families
2. The Main Meals: Saab, Rice, Tuber Crops
3. The Sauces (jenta) for Millet/Maize Porridge
4. Small Dishes
5. Stimulants
6. Alcoholic Beverages
7. Tree Fruits: Pawpaw, Mango and Others
8. Foreign Dishes and the Survival of Traditional Dishes

Ghanatta Ayaric: The New Masim Rice-Mill in Fumbisi





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