Various Authors and Sources:


November 2020 – …..

November 2020
National breakdown of school certificate examinations of Bulsa and Navrongo schools

Rank Name of School Candidates presented Candidates passed Passed %
7 Notre Dame Sem. / Senior High School Navrongo 152 147 97%
215 Notre Dame Senior High School 738 263 36%
416 Sandema Senior High School 629 68 11%
476 Sandema Senior High/ Technical School 797 60 8%
615 Fumbisi Senior High School 517 1 0%
632 Wiaga Comm. Senior High School 28 0 0%

 November 8, 2020
( 19.11.2021) Two armed men… attacked the Sandema district church of Pentecost, taking away a huge sum of money and other properties. The incident happened in the midday hours of Sunday, right after the service, as two leaders were counting and documenting monies received as collection. According to an eye-witness account, the robbers arrived at the premises brandishing guns and asked the leaders – a male and female, to lie face down and surrender all money and mobile phones. … The robbers jumped on a waiting motorcycle and sped off.

November 9, 2020
(…) Gregory Afoko, who was accused in 2015 of the murder of Alhaji Adams Mahama, the then UER chairman of he New Patriotic Party (NPP), has been hospitalised again and his trial adjourned. This was made known by the prosecutor in the trial of Afoko… at the Accra High Court on Monday, November 9, 2020. Ms Marina Appiah Oppong, a Chief State Attorney, said the prosecution was ready to call its first witness to testify but could not do so because Afoko was unavailable.

November 11, 2020
Daniel Kwame Gariba in Buluk Kaniak (11.11.20)
Yesterday, 10 /11/2020, the greatest Vice president of the Republic of Ghana, his Excellency Dr Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia held a Durbar of Chiefs and People of Builsa South in Kanjarga. He was welcomed to the gathering by a hilarious crowd. He assured the people that the next Nana Addo Government will pay the fees of Tertiary students through the Tertiary Education loan scheme. He also announced that Builsa South will get a 100 bed capacity hospital soon. Quite apart from that, he informed the Chiefs and People that the president will put up a very big rice processing factory in Builsa South in addition to the ones coming up. At the Kanjarga Chief’s Palace he assured the Kanjarga chief that he will make sure that the contractor who gets the job through the ongoing procurement process commences work immediately.

November 17, 2020
( 17.11.2020). Martin Amidu has resigned from his position as Special Prosecutor. According to Mr Amidu, he is resigning because he does not feel that President Nana Akufo-Addo has done enough to safeguard the independence of his office…. Mr Amidu was nominated by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo–Addo as Special Prosecutor on January 11, 2018 and was subsequently approved by Parliament.

November 30, 2020
( 30.11.2020) Dr. Benjamin Akinkang, the Founder of the Team of Hope, a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) based at Sandema in the Builsa North District… has expressed worry about excessive alcohol consumption among some residents of Sandema.
He described as a worry, the high level of alcohol intake in the District, saying “Alcohol destroys the liver, if you go to the ward right now and meet 10 patients on admission because of liver problems, three or four patients are likely to have gotten it through alcohol.”
Dr. Akinkang, who led a team of health professionals to perform free surgical procedures for residents of Sandema and beyond, noted that apart from the negative health implications alcohol had on the people, it had caused several road accidents in the District over the years.

About 108 Master trainers underwent the training

December 18, 2020
( 18.12.2020) The Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) has projected a population of about 31 million people to be counted during its 14-day Population and Housing Census (PHC) scheduled for 2021.
Professor Samuel Kobina Annim, Government Statistician, made the call at the closing of eight-day training for 108 Master trainers at Winneba. The last phase of the face-to-face training… was to prepare them to train enumerators, supervisors and many others for commencement of the PHC next year.

December 19, 2020
(Augustine Anyin-gabe Atano in Buluk Kaniak, adopted from
Sandema District Hospital staff wins best Upper East Nurse award. Nursing Officer at the Sandema Hospital in the Builsa North District of the Upper East Region, Wisdom Ayinbono Apusiga, was on Friday adjudged the Best Regional Nurse for 2020 by the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association (GRNMA). He was awarded together with nine awardees.

December 27, 2020
( 28.12.2020) According to reports, Sandema has become a fertile ground for armed robbers for some time now. Armed robbers have repeatedly taken over the Sandema township. Sounds of sophisticated guns ranged through the town on Sunday, 27 December when traders were about finishing up trading activities. It is unclear if casualties have been recorded… Meanwhile the district Police command says the incident has not come to their attention.

January 14, 2021
( 14.1. 2021) Builsa North District was elevated into a municipal status. The municipality appealed to government to establish a tertiary institution in Buluk land.
Mr David Amoabil Afoko, the Municipal Chief Executive, said this in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Sandema, the Municipal capital.
“It was upgraded into a Municipality through a Legislative Instrument (LI) 24222. So Builsa North is no more a District, but a Municipality” he said.
“The President was here in 2018 to take part in the Feok festival and told us that he signed a document to upgrade the District to a Municipality”, he added. He said the upgrade would speed up development, and open up job opportunities for the teeming youth in the Builsa land.

January 31, 2021
( 1.2.2021) Coronavirus: President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has reintroduced restrictions on funerals, weddings, theatrical performances and parties until further notice.
In his 23rd Coronavirus address to the nation on Sunday, January 31, the President indicated that private burials with no more than twenty-five people can take place, with the enforcement of social distancing, hygiene and mask-wearing protocols.
„Beaches, night clubs, cinemas, and pubs continue to be shut. Our borders by land and sea remain closed”, he stressed.
“Restaurants should provide take-away services, and should… avoid seated services. The National Sports Authority and the Ghana Football Association should ensure compliance with the twenty-five per cent capacity rule in our stadia, with spectators respecting the social distancing rule and wearing of masks”.
He advised leaders of the various religious organisations that they should enforce “to the letter, the protocols relating to attendance, [namely] the two-hour duration, one-metre distancing, mask-wearing, use of sanitisers and the presence of Veronica buckets, liquid soap, and rolls of tissue paper.”

February 13, 2021
( 14.2.2021) An early robbery attack on the Katiu-Sandema road has resulted in the death of a livestock trader… The incident happened in a thicket on the stretch near Katiu where the victim who was on his way to do his cattle buying business was shot in the chest as he tried to get away. According to details the man left his home at Kobdem in Sandema just before daybreak… The robbers managed to flee with the booty and left the man in a pool of blood with his motorcycle lying beside him.

April 12, 2021
( 15.4.2021) Some alleged thieves on Monday, April 12, 2021 at midnight invaded the private residence of the Builsa North Municipal Chief Executive, David Afoko in Sandema, and made away with his laptop, mobile phones, and other important documents.

Confirming the incident on DayBreak Upper East show on A1 Radio, Mr. Afoko said he suspects he was a target because of his efforts to end crime-related incidents in the area.

May 1, 2021
(Dr. Clement Apaak, MP): …a rain storm has ripped off the roofs of four (4) school buildings in the Builsa South District. The affected schools include Bachonsa JHS, Doninga JHS, Wupiensa Primary and Tuedema Primary school…

May 5, 2021
(Radio Fumbisi): Mr Muti Bawa the Circuit Supervisor now School Improvement Support Officer (SISO) of the Dogninga Bachongsa circuit of the Ghana Education Service in the Builsa South District… and one other person have been robbed at gun point today, 5/05/2021 between Bachongsa and Dogninga.
…Mr. Multi Bawa said he was returning from the Bachonsa Community where he visited the schools there and to assess the level of damage caused by a previous rainstorm. He narrated that, while returning to the Doninga Community where he planned visiting other schools, he was stopped by three young men, one with a single barrel gun and the other two with axes.
He narrated that he was clubbed down from the back unsuspectedly by one of the men with the axe. The armed robbers took away his supervision motorbike… together with his crush helmet, a nose mask and an undisclosed amount of money. The armed robbers took away his riding jacket, mobile phones, wallet and bag which contained documents.
He also added that, the armed robbers had earlier on robbed an elderly man of his mobile phone and GHS 700 and hid him in the bush. The motorbike of the old man which wasn’t taken away from him was used to help transport the SISO to the Doninga Community where he was given first aid.
This latest robbery incident is the fourth in the a series of robberies in that enclave in the past two months. Community members used the opportunity to call out to the police to intensify patrols around that sector of the district since it’s gradually becoming a safe heaven for criminals.

May 12, 2021
(Ghanaweb May 12, 2021) A rainstorm destroyed two dormitory blocks at Sandema Sec-Tech School. It destroyed the Rawlings and Azantilow low houses which are coined in a single storey and also brought down some concrete beams and blocks… Akogni Solomon, the Headmaster of the school said the disaster struck in the night when students were in the dormitories preparing to go to bed.

May 13, 2021
(James Agalga, MP, in Buluk Kaniak): On the 7th May, 2021, I commissioned a bridge linking the Atibilyiri section of Kaljiisa to the rest of Kaljiisa in Sandema. I supported the wonderful people of Kaljiisa with all the material required for the construction of the bridge while the community members themselves mobilised labour and workmen to do the construction works by themselves. I commend highly the chief of Kaljiisa, the Assemblyman of Kaljiisa, Hon Awarikaro, Hon Apusig, Baba Apagnying and others for their sterling leadership in mobilising the people for the execution of this wonderful project. Now, people can cross the stream which hitherto cut off a section of Kaljiisa from the rest of Sandema in the rainy season.

May 20, 2021 and June 10, 2021

(Robert Asekabta 28.5.21  by e-mail) The Bulsa North Municipal Assembly met on the 26th May, 2021 to elect a Presiding Member but none of the candidates had the two third percentage (32 votes) required. The number of members present were forty five (45) out of a total number of forty six. The following members offered themselves for the voting:

1) Hon. Anaamuning James (10 votes)
2) Hon. Dominic Asukuubisa Atibil (28 votes)
3) Hon. Isaac Ayeriwie (also Regent for Kadema Regency, 7 votes)

Also in the second round the other two could not make the percentage: Anaamuning James had 14 votes, Dominic Asukuubisa Atibil had 31 votes.
According to the law the election was to be reheld within ten days period.
E-mail of June 11th, 2021 (R.A.)
At a meeting of the Bulsa North Municipal Assembly held on the 10th June, 2021 Hon. Dominic Asukuubisa Atibil was finally elected Presiding Member of the Assembly. His contestant Hon. James Anaamuning stepped down for him. In the vote cast thirty eight (38) members voted YES and five (5) voted NO.
The Municipal Electoral Commissioner then declared Hon. Dominic Asukuubisa Atibil the Bulsa North Municipal Assembly Presiding Member. Mr. Mumuni Baba Mohammed, the Municipal Coordinating Director, in a short speech expressed his delight at the success of the election. He mentioned that the swearing in will be done later since the Municipal Magistrate was not in town.
They later formed Sub-Committees of the Assembly.

June 11, 2021

(Westfälische Nachrichten June 11, 2021) Christine Arnheim (daughter of Margaret Lariba from Gbedema) set up her own dental practice in the centre of the large city of Münster during a hot phase of the Corona pandemic. She is known to many Bulsa through her dental check-ups in Gbedema primary schools.

June 12, 2021
(Godwin Abonaampo in Buluk Kaniak): Today the Overlord of the Builsa Traditional area, Nab Azaksuk Azantilow together with the Municipal coordinating Director and the Municipal Agric Director planted trees to mark the day.

June 18, 2021
(Richard Kanjaga Musah in Buluk Kaniak): Ramtin Musah [from Kanjaga] is currently in Italy for the under 22 European championships! Won by unanimous decision yesterday! Great performance. Today he’s up against Scotland from 6pm onwards!

June 21, 2021

(GhanaWeb 21.6.21) Two Fulani men suspected to be highway armed robbers have been arrested at Fumbisi by the Upper East Regional Police Command… According to the statement on June 18, 2021, at about 19.30 hours the police received information that the two men who robbed commuters on the Butrisa-Fumbisi road were spotted in Fumbisi Township. The victims reported that one of the two robbers was holding a locally manufactured gun and the other a cutlass, and they could easily identify them. They are suspected to have an informant in town who fed them with information to operate.

June 26 and 28, 2021
( 28.6.21) The enumeration started on June, 28 and ended on July 11, 2021. All persons who spent the census night in Ghana were counted. All residents were urged to stay at home in the census night. During the enumeration, a census official (enumerator) visited each household and administered a questionnaire (collected some information) from the head of household or any other adult in the household.

June 29, 2021
Dr. Clement Apaak, MP (in Buluk Kaniak): Earlier today I got a call from my branch executives in Bachongsa and later, Danda, the contractor who renovated the Bachongsa teachers quarters informing me that the teachers quarters recently renovated and handed over were in flames.
Though fire tenders arrived from both Sandema and Fumbisi, and the firemen and women did their best, the damage was severe. Thankfully, no life was lost and no injuries sustained by the teachers, students or community members in the vicinity. I thank God almighty for that.
I thank the Fire Service for their swift intervention, given the distances from both Fumbisi and Sandema.

August 14, 2021 

After a thorough revision (thanks  to Alfred Agyenta!) and many additions, the Buli-English Dictionary was prepared as an app for android smartphones and tablets (not for i-phones!) by Urs Niggli (working for SIL, living in Burkina Faso) and F. Kröger.  It was warmly welcome by many educated Bulsa, who expressed their approval in  Bulsa Facebook groups and e-mails/messages to the author (F.K.)

September 22, 2021
(Ghanaweb 22.09.21) More than ten mud houses [in Nyandema, Kalaasa and Daburinsa] in the Builsa South District… have collapsed as a result of heavy rains and flooding, leading to over one thousand residents being displaced and currently seeking shelter in school buildings in the communities.

September 27, 2021(Abakisi Akangagnang Lawrence in Buluk Kaniak): Finally the president has nominated his representatives at the district level to represent him after many months of anxiety from across the country. For the Bulsa North, Mama Vida, popularly called madam Vida has been nominated and Daniel Kwame Gariba has been renominated for the Bulsa South District. Congratulations to them! Unfortunately, David Afoko has not been renominated, but we have to thank him for the service he rendered onto Buluk and may God bless him in his next endeavours.
Now in the coming days/weeks our assembly men/women shall have the mandate to approve these two nominees and even though it is their right to either approve or reject a nominee, I am using this medium to urge our assembly men/women to unanimously approve these two nominees.

October 1, 2021
(A1 A letter… signed by the Director-General of the Ghana Education Services (GES), Prof. Kwasi Opoku-Amankw, indicates that the Sandem Senior High Technical School in the Builsa North Municipality of the Upper East Region is to be renamed after the late Paramount Chief of the Builsa Traditional Area, Naab Azantilow… with effect from 2022 academic year.

October 1, 2021
( Sandema Preparatory JHS wins quiz competition.
The Sandema Preparatory Junior High School (JHS)… has won a quiz competition organised by the Municipal Directorate of the National Commission for Civic Education. The school competed with the Success International JHS in a Constitution Quiz Competition intended to inculcate in the pupils the habit of reading the 1992 Constitution of Ghana. Of all the three rounds of the contest, the Sandema Preparatory JHS constantly led their counterpart, the Success International JHS and finally had 94 points, with the Success International JHS scoring 67 points.
… The three pupils who competed and won the quiz fro their school are Master Gatine Afiako, Ms Elsie Achaw… and Ms Hanifatu Yahaya.

October 2, 2021
(Radio Fumbisi, report by Gerard Awombadek Asagi): Members of the Builsa South District Assembly have elected Hon. John Peter Apaabey as their Presiding Member following a third attempt. The elected PM polled 27 “YES” votes and 2 “NO” votes out of 29 valid vote casts and members present. Two Hon. members were absent. The number of “YES” votes represented 98% of total votes cast.
The election was conducted and declared by the Electoral Commissioner, Madam Judith Atika. …The Hon. Member was duly sworn in by the District Magistrate present.

October 2, 2021
(Source: Godfrey A. Polikuu) Madam Vida Akantagriwen Anaab, the newly confirmed Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for the Builsa North Municipality… was overwhelmingly confirmed by all 42 Assembly Members present.

October 2, 2021
(Radio Fumbisi, report by Gerard Awombadek Asagi): Members of the Builsa South District Assembly have elected Hon. John Peter Apaabey as their Presiding Member following a third attempt. The elected PM polled 27 “YES” votes and 2 “NO” votes out of 29 valid vote casts and members present. Two Hon. members were absent. The number of “YES” votes represented 98% of total votes cast.
The election was conducted and declared by the Electoral Commissioner, Madam Judith Atika. …The Hon. Member was duly sworn in by the District Magistrate present.

October 5, 2021
(Daniel Kwame Gariba, DCE) Today myself and the Builsa North MCE Hon. Vida Anaab paid a courtesy call on the Overlord of the Builsa Traditional Area, Nab Azagsug Azantilow II.


October, 2021
(Radio Fumbisi, Report by Gerard Awombadek Asagi) Members of the Builsa South District Assembly have confirmed the President’s nominee Hon. Daniel Kwame Gariba to serve in the capacity of District Chief Executive.
Hon. Gariba was renominated by the President on 19th September, 2021 following a very long wait. He pulled 19votes out of 28 valid votes cast during the confirmation election. This represented the 2/3 majority required to be sworn in as DCE…The Hon. DCE was sworn in by the District Magistrate.

October 5, 2021
Daniel Kwame Gariba, DCE:  Today myself and the Builsa North MCE Hon. Vida Anaab paid a courtesy call on the Overlord of the Builsa Traditional Area, Nab Azagsug Azantilow II.

October 5, 2021
( Police in Sandema have arrested a former military officer and a dismissed staff of the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO) over an alleged robbery attack. The suspect (name withheld by F.K.), who is also a chief (kambonnaab?) of a community in a Builsa North Municipality, was arrested at the wee hours of Monday 5, 2021 at Azim-Azim on the Sandema-Chuchuliga road after he refused to adhere to signals by a police night patrol team to stop and attempted to bolt away with an unregistered motorbike. An immediate search conducted on him following his arrest led to the retrieval of a pump action gun, seven live cartridge and one empty cartridge, a jack knife, a handcuff and a talisman.

October 9, 2021
(GhanaWeb 9.10.21) Physical construction works of the Ghana-Burkina Faso railway line, which spans a distance of about 1,2000 kilometres, is to commence in the first quarter of 2022.
The Joint Committee of Experts and two countries have targeted to complete the preparatory phase of the project the end of this year to pave way for the construction of railway interconnectivity between the Port of Tema and the capital city of Ouagadougou…
In Burkina Faso, the project will begin in Ouagadougou, passing through Komissiri, Manga, Béguédo, Garango, Tenkodogo, Bagré-Pôle, Zabré, Pô, to the Dakola-Paga border link, a total distance of about 320 km, while in Ghana, it starts at the port of Tema, through the eastern part of the country towards the river port of Akosombo to serve Ho and Yendi in the north.
The line then joins Tamale to cover the central region of the country and continue to Paga via Walewale, Bolgatanga, and Navrongo, for a total distance of 782 km. It will have a total of 55 stations, ten of which will be in Burkina Faso.

November 15, 2021
Richard A. Akanko was elected Paramount Chief of Fumbisi (See article “Electing a new chief”)

November 17, 2021
(Abakisi Akangagnang Lawrence, Buluk Kaniak) This morning, the Municipal Chief Executive, Bulsa North, Madam Vida Anaab Akantagriwen in the company of the Municipal Education Director, Bulsa North, Madam Victoria Aganalie Mahama, toured some BECE examination centres in the Bulsa North Municipality.
The MCE in addressing the candidates underscored the fact that they (Candidates) are the future leaders of Buluk and Ghana and for that matter she wished them very well in their exams…
The MCE finally admonished the students to be of good behaviour during the examination by avoiding acts of exam malpractices.
The total number of candidates sitting for the examination in the municipality are 1,121. Out of this number, 573 are males whilst 548 are females. Of the total number of 1,121, 202 candidates are from private schools.

November 26, 2021
Makarios Akanbianab Akanbong was elected new chief of Doninga (See article “Electing new Bulsa chiefs”)

December 3, 2021
(Abakisi Akangagnang Lawrence, Buluk Kaniak) Mr Atoosigo Akaanmwami of Chuchuliga Tiedema was crowned as the Bulsa North Municipal best farmer. His price which was presented to him by the Municipal Chief Executive, Madam Vida Anaab Akantagriwen included a brand new “Motor King”, farm inputs as well as some assorted items.

December 2021
A relocation of Fulani herdsmen and their cattle to the Bulsa South District is taken into consideration. Dr. Clement Apaak (MP) comments on this: “… I assure that… it is my duty to protect and defend the interests of my constituents. The relocation of Fulani herdsmen to Fumbisi as the story claims will have dire consequences, and we cannot accept that”.

December 15, 2021
(Dr. Clement Apaak, MP, in Facebook, Buluk Kaniak): The good people of Builsa South should be assured that I’ve taken note of the story below, suggesting the relocation of Fulani herdsmen and their cattle to Builsa South. I assure that as the Member of Parliament for Builsa South, it is my duty to protect and defend the interests of my constituents. The relocation of Fulani herdsmen to Fumbisi as the story claims will have dire consequences, and we cannot accept that.

December 24, 2021
(Abakisi Akangagnang Lawrence, Buluk Kaniak) The Municipal Chief Executive of Bulsa North, Honourable Vida Anaab Akantagriwen in the company of the Municipal Coordinating Director handed over two Police Posts in Wiaga and Chuchuliga to the District Police Commander. This will enhance police presence and visibility in the two towns, thus improving security in the communities and municipality at large. It is instructive to note that these Police Posts were the initiative of the Honourable James Agalga in 2015 together with the then IGP with SSNIT providing the funding.

December 29, 2021
(Adachaasa David, by mail) This year’s Faagu was celebrated on the 29th of December. The Municipal chief executive, Builsa North Madam Vida Akantagriwen Anaab, the member of parliament, Builsa North were some of the guests to grace the occasion. As part of the program marking the Faagu, a medical screening under the auspices of the municipal chief executive who is a retired midwife.
…Among other things the Faagu gives us the opportunity to deliberate on developmental issues, because central government alone can’t tackle our issues of development. The aim of the festival is to thank the gods for a bountiful harvest and protection over the year.

David Adachaasa: The bowls with animals’ heads signify the abundance of food, which is shared among neighbours as a sign of unity.

December 29, 2021
(ghanaweb 31.12.21) The District Chief Executive (sic) for Builsa North District, Vida Akantagriwen Anaab, has commended the chiefs and people of the Chuchuliga Traditional area … for the construction of six classroom blocks with its axillaries… The DCE made the commendation during the annual celebration of the 2021 Chuchuliga Festival (FAAGU)…
The facility which is christened „Chuchuliga Secondary Technical Senior High School‟ is currently being used to run the Senior High programmes including Vocational and Technical Education.
The Chief of Chuchuliga, Nab Francis Akanbegmi Asangalisa II, impressed upon the District Assembly and the Ghana Education Service to fast-track the absorption of the Chuchuliga Secondary Technical Senior High School into the Government’s mainstream.

December 31, 2021
(Dr. Apaak in Buluk Kaniak): I joined the Chief and people of Kanjarga for their annual community festival. The issues raised were: 1) Security; 2) Roads; 3) Teenage pregnancy; 4) Agricultural imputes; 5) Education; and 6) Community centre.

January 4, 2022
(Source: Samuel Abem in Buluk Kaniak, 6.1.22)
The chief of Doninga, Nab Akambiaknab Atuidem Akanbong I, his subchiefs and elders took their turn to celebrate the Feok festival at Doninga…
The event was heavily attended and well organised, giving indication that next year’s celebrations will likely surpass what happened this year. The celebration was covered by journalists and a wide range of reporters.
The occasion was used to raise funds to rebuild a deserving market of yore, which branded and gave Doninga a reputation abroad as a major trading centre. With the completion of the Santijan bridge, which links the Upper East to the Upper West Region, Doninga is on the rise again to a past glory.

January 5, 2022
A six-unit classroom block handed over to Chuchuliga Senior High Technical school
(Source:|101.1 MHz|Moses Apiah|Chuchuliga|Ghana)
Lawyer James Agalga, Member of Parliament for Builsa North Constituency… together with community members, built and handed over a six-unit classroom block with ultra-modern toilet facilities and available potable water to enhance the teaching and learning activities of a Community Day Senior High Technical School which started in the Chuchuliga community sometime last year.
The school started in a dilapidated basic school structure with a student population of 48. It is currently running courses such as Business, Technical and Home Science/Catering.
Chuchuliga is said to be the second-largest community in the Builsa North Municipality and for the past years has never had a single Senior High School structure, unlike its neighbouring communities until now.
Speaking at a short handover ceremony held at Chuchuliga Nawaana No 1, Lawyer Agalga noted that he was happy to hear that the school focus was on only the practice aspect…
The MP appreciated the chiefs and opinion leaders of the area for their remarkable support in offering their lands free of charge to assist the initiative, adding that he will continue to support the school in any kind until any tangible support comes from the government.
Though the Chuchuliga Senior High/Technical School is yet to be absorbed by the government, opinion leaders and traditional rules in the area are hoping that more support will come from government agencies and other stakeholders in education.

January 8, 2022
The Special Anti-Robbery Squad and Surveillance team of the Upper East Regional Police Command… arrested A.I. A. [long form of Buli name withheld], a notorious armed robber at Sandema… Further details established that the suspect is responsible for the robbery in Kadema which occurred on July 24, 2021, in which a victim was severely wounded.

March 10, 2022
The planned election of a new Bachonsa failed and was postponed indefinitely (See article “Electing new Bulsa chiefs”).

Fumbisi Secondary School

March 14, 2022
(Dr. Apaak in Buluk Kaniak) Comrades, I write to inform you that on Tuesday March 15th, 2022 at 10:30 am the 2 No 4-unit 2 bedroom masters quarters project I got for FUMSEC via GETFUND to help address accommodation challenges facing the teaching staff will be handed over. Chairman Caesar will represent me.

March 22, 2022
Emos Amuuribadek Ayuekanbey Adangabe was elected Chief of Kadema (See article “Electing new Bulsa chiefs”).

March 30, 2022
(Abakisi Akangagnang Lawrence, Buluk Kaniak, March 30, 2022)
Today, the MCE of the Bulsa North Municipal, Madam Vida Anaab Akantagriwen together with the Municipal Development Planning Officer and Municipal Engineer went on a field tour to monitor and inspect completed and ongoing projects in the Municipality…
The tour took the team to Achanyeri-Goiyie to access the progress of work on a three classroom block with ancillary facilities. From there the team went to Nanjuepuing to inspect how a CHPS compound, completed and handed over to the community, has been put to use. Thereafter, the team moved to Awulansa to see the condition of the 1V1D initiative done in the community. From there, the team proceeded to Awenaguuk to inspect a plantation of cashew for that community. All these communities are from Chuchuliga.
Subsequently, the team came to the Azantinlow Senior High Technical School to inspect progress of work on a girls dormitory and classroom block to cater for the Double Track System. The team finally went to the 1V1D initiative in Bilinsa Sandema where it was observed that there was still some sizable amount of water in the dam compared to Awulansa in
Chuchuliga where the dam was almost dry.

April 11, 2022
(Builsa Community Bank Ltd.) Builsa Community Bank Limited has finally commissioned its long-awaited Navrongo Branch and it begins operations today. This will increase visibility and allow us to reach as well as serve more customers with top.notch banking and financial services.

April 15-19, 2022
(Internet Advertisement) The funeral of the Hon. Sylvester Ateteng Azantilow took place from April 15 to April 19, 2022.

August 16, 2022
Source: University of Ghana ( …)

Dr. Caesar Alimsinya Atuire (photo credit:

Dr. Caesar Alimsinya Atuire, Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy and Classics, has won a 5-year grant worth 3.2 million Pounds (4 million USD or 33 million Cedis) by the Wellcome Trust Discovery Awards.
The grant which is the first by the Trust is to finance academics from any discipline who can present a creative project to deliver significant understanding to improve human life, health and well-being.
Dr. Atuire’s Project titled, Moving Beyond Solidarity Rhetoric in Global Health: Pluriversality and Actionable Tools, seeks to explore how understandings and practice of solidarity in global health can play an active role in increasing equity and justice. He will lead a global team with co-investigators from Costa Rica, Canada, Austria, South Africa, India, and Australia.
The project will also design metrics and produce a solidarity index and ranking to measure the practice of solidarity among global health actors. Despite appeals for solidarity, during the Covid -19 pandemic, equity was lacking in the allocation of resources. This research could improve the theory and practice of global health and ensure all affected communities benefit. The Wellcome Trust Discovery supports innovations that could transform understanding of health and its social and political contexts.

September 28, 2022
Mrs. Helga Schott, née von Notz, wife of Prof. Rüdiger Schott, the anthopologist who conducted research in Buluk between 1966 and 1989, died in Berlin (Germany) at the age of 90. She had accompanied her husband on his research visits among the Bulsa and was a great help to him in his work.

Mrs. Helga Schott (right) assisting her husband’s field research

October 3, 2022
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Zwernemann, a famous German anthropologist, died at the age of 93 years. In his work he had specialised on West Africa, especially on the Kasena in Burkina Faso and Northern Ghana. For many years he had assisted the work of F. Kröger.
(source of photo: www.germananthropology/com/short-portrait

November 2022
(Source: Radio Bulsa 24.11.22)
Christ the King Junior High School Sandema emerged victorious at the Upper East Regional Girls Club Quiz Competition in Bolgatanga.

December 15, 2022
Source: ghanaweb 15 December, 2022
Some second-year students of Sandema Senior High School… have burnt down portions of their school dormitory in protest over the seizure of their mobile phones…
In the process of the violent protest the students went ahead to burn down a building that houses the cadet accroutements of the school. The fire then escalated to other rooms including the school’s dormitary where the District Fire Service team came to the rescue…

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