Kennedy Azantilow and others


The Feok Festival (and associated events) 2022

The Feok Festival 2022 and the 10th anniversary celebration of Nab Azagsuk Azantilow II.

Theme: Getting Buli language into the educational curriculum and 10 years of peaceful coexistence among the people of Buluk.

December 1st – 8th December 2022
Sandema Zone Feok Community Games
Source: Poster of the Prime Buluk Consortium (PBC)
December 1, 2022: Suwarinsa vs. Bilinsa no. 2
December 3, 2022: Kalibisa vs. Awusi-yeri
December 5, 2022 Match Day
Loser Match vs. Winner Match
December 8, 2022: Match Day

December 11 2022 (market day)
(K. Az.) War dancers started off from the palace to the market, attired in saba-garigela (war-smocks) with horse-tails in hands, but without their horned helmets and accompanied by a team of two drummers, a senleng (gong gong) beater, all from Abolik-yeri, a flute player from Ayiparo-yeri and a damuning (horn) blower from Achuema-yeri, a contingent of elders and strong men, drawn from Abil-yeri, Awusiuk-yeri and the Achog-yeri clans, paraded through the market square and principal streets of Sandema, the Suncity, to announce “Feok has come” (Feoku paa ya).

December 14, 2022 (market day)
(K. Az.) The contingent that sounded the Feok Drums a market day ago (December 11) returned to the market square, now joined by contingents from the rest of Sandema, the Suncity of Africa, and whilst the contingents from Abil-yeri, Achog-yeri and Awusiuk-yeri were attired in full war-regalia, the contingents from the rest of the Suncity wore sabagari-gela (war smocks) with horse-tails, but without war armour!
Starting at mid-day, the simultaneous drumming from all sections, moving towards the market square of the Suncity, awoke everybody to the fact that Feok was in the air!
And when all the contingents descended on the market square, the combined sounds of drums, flutes, senlenglengsa, and wailing of women and masculine voices of men, created a very festive atmosphere.
At sunset, the market place gradually got deserted, as the drumming was now towards home, where women, who had got home earlier, prepared the meal of the day, TZ, for the family.

December 17, 2022 (market day)
(K. Az.) Another event, more grand [than those of December 11 and December 14] called Tong Biriim took place. All sections of the Suncity, from Bilinsa to Suwarinsa, Kori to Kandem descended on the market square, in full war-regalia
After an obligatory stop at the Yaba Tuik [a former baobab tree, F.K.], located in the centre of the market, the warriors spread out, covering every inch of ground in the market and on the adjourning streets, performing the war-dance.
After many rounds of war-dancing, the warriors retired to have a rest and refreshment that, according to the Commander-in Chief, the Sandem-Nab, should not include Akpetshie. But will the warriors listen?
Note K. Az.: I was told that, in times of war, the battle cry starts from the Royal clan, and its closest kinsmen. And this is why the Royal clan, Abil-yeri, and their brothers, Achog-yeri and Awusiuk-yeri, are the first to dress-up in full war-regalia (with logta and horned helmets), on the 2nd market day, to be joined on the 3rd market day, by the other sections of Sandema.

Poster with the Sandem-Nab and the twelve Bulsa chiefs

December 19 2022
(K. Az.) Another important event, called Goos Nang, took place! All warriors from all sections of Sandema, the Suncity, converged at the Chief’s Palace, where they were addressed by the Commander-in-Chief, the Sandem-Nab, after which the warriors went on a route-march, along a pre-determined path from the Palace, through an area close to the stadium, to emerge on the main street, then along the main street, finally ending at an ancient tree, Gaamu. As the warriors passed through town, excited women, children, and men came out to greet them. From the ancient tree, the warriors dispersed to various locations in the town center, where they spent the night, but not to their own homes.

December 19 2022
(Source: poster) The maiden Feok Wrestling Contest took place at the Main Lorry Station, (see “Events”).

Poster with the Sandem-Nab and expected guests

December 20, 2022

(K.Az.) The climax of the Feok activities started on the Durbar Ground at 10.00 a.m. and included visiting the Siuk [a tanggbain shrine F.K.] in a protected Savanna forest. When the Chiefs and people were assembled, the Sandem-Nab arrived at the Durbar ground, chauffeur-driven in his white SUV, to the loud applause from the crowds. Flanked to the left by his younger brother, Mr Geoffrey Asibil Azantilow, domiciled in U.K., to the right by another younger brother, Mr Adi Azantilow, who is firmly rooted in Sandema and with Mr Lawrence Akangagnang Abakisi walking immediately behind him. The Sandem-Nab walked to his seat, where his Chiefs were up-standing to welcome him.
As if carefully choreographed, no sooner had the Sandem-Nab taken his seat, than the sound of a helicopter, flying above, gave an indication that Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo, the President of the Republic of Ghana, was on his way. Looking fresh and many years younger than his age, the President on arrival, waved enthusiastically at the crowd, before greeting the Sandem-Nab and his Chiefs. In a haste the President gave his speech. soon after which he jumped into his waiting helicopter at the “Broken Walls Stadium”, thus missing for the second time the jewel of the Feok festival, the war-dance.
…The Festival was also graced by delegations of Chiefs and people from Gonjaland, Dagartiland, Walaland, Chana, Kayoro and others.

December 21, 2022
(K.Az.) Archery competition: The winner was Akumpisi Agakadula from Kalibisa, the second was Anyatimbey Awaridu from Kori. Both of them hit the target. There were two men from Gbedema and amazingly, a 14-year old boy also took part. After the hectic archery competition, the snipers were treated to a three-course meal at the Paloma Reborn Restaurant.


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