Margaret Arnheim

Maaka in Buluk


Patrick Kwabena

In 2021, the NGO Maaka e.V. lost two very committed members in Ghana.
On 21 March 2021, Sister Rebecca Antugfinying Ayaapeelim passed away at the age of 63. For many years, she had dedicated her life to helping the needy of her village through assistance of various kinds. She leaves a big gap.
Patrick Kwabena Amelimjam (Gbedema) helped the Maaka Association in organisational matters. He made a name for himself through his work as a “lay veterinarian” in Gbedema. His death has also left a gap in this area. He passed away at the age of 55 on 24 June, 2021.
May their souls rest in perfect peace till we meet again.

Christine handing over some copies

On the occasion of a visit by the chairperson of Maaka e.V., Mrs Margaret Arnheim, several issues of Buluk (11, 12, 13) could be distributed to further recipients who had not been reached so far by the voluntary distributors, Prof. A. Awedoba (Legon), John Agandin, Albert Anamogsi (Accra) and Robert Asekabta (Bulsa Districts).
The following copies were handed over:
July 5, 2022, Margaret Arnheim presented a copy to Regina Atiim (headmistress Gbedema Primary).
July 6, 2022, Christine Arnheim, Vice Chairperson of Maaka e.V., handed over several copies to the staff of Fumbisi Senior High School. Everyone was delighted with this gift.
July 14, 2022, Margaret Arnheim presented two copies to Mrs. Cecilia Akanboati (representative of Maaka e.V. in Accra).
On July 25, 2022, David Atagre (representative of Maaka e.V. in Gbedema) gave some copies of BULUK to the teachers and students of Kanjarga Senior High School. Immediately afterwards, the recipients thanked the Maaka chairperson in an email “and promised to put the presentation to good use”.
July 17, 2022 Margaret Arnheim presented copies to Naa Prof. John Sebiyam Nabila Wulugunaba (Pugansoa), Paramount Chief of the Kpasenkpe Traditional Area, North-East Region Ghana.

Margaret and Prof. Nabila

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